How can I skip even/odd rows while reading a csv file?


Is there a simple way to ignore all even/odd rows when reading a csv using pandas?

I know skiprows argument in pd.read_csv but for that I'll need to know the number of rows in advance.


The pd.read_csv skiprows argument accepts a callable, so you could use a lambda function. E.g.:

df = pd.read_csv(some_path, skiprows=lambda x: x%2 == 0)

이 기사는 인터넷에서 수집됩니다. 재 인쇄 할 때 출처를 알려주십시오.

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관련 기사


Error while reading csv file in R


Error while reading csv file in R


How can I skip objects from a JSON file if the value of a key = 0?


How can I print out the delimiter character and allow user to edit line while reading standard input?


How to skip rows in MySQL


How can I read a big CSV file without Memory exhausted?


How to not read the header row while reading csv using Scanner?


Reading in a CSV file


How can I read from a CSV file into 2 ArrayLists depending on the data type I have got in the File?


How to skip rows in Hbase Scan?


How can I store avatar(image file) through Auth/RegisterController while user registration?


While in vi how can I pull in / insert / paste the contents of another file


Importing a CSV file into postgres - skip the first line


How to skip multiple iterations in a while loop


Detect empty lines while reading from file


Random UnauthorizedAccessException while reading a file in %temp%


Wrong file path while reading from UI


Infinity loop while reading data from file


bash: Prompting for user input while reading file


.csv file reading from a specified URL


Reading a csv file into csh using awk


How do i choose where i output in a csv file


In Python, how can I update multiple rows in a DataFrame with a Series?


How can I view file header information?


How can I save the last command to a file?


How can I wait for the write of a file?


How can I copy a text file into another?


How can i replace particular characters in a file


How can I test for a file having a value?

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    Error while reading csv file in R

  2. 2

    Error while reading csv file in R

  3. 3

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  11. 11

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  17. 17

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  23. 23

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  29. 29

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