change data in column with the previous information in another column


I have a dataset with three columns. The column user has two actions including action1 and action2. action2 only contains information if action1 column has A data. I want to concatenate P data in action1 with the previous data in action2. For example, if action2 has ac, and the next row has P in action1, I want to change P into Pac, and will continue (all P turn into Pac) until action2 change. Take note that this process should repeat for each user.

user   action1    action2 
1        A          a
1        B          NA
1        P          NA
1        P          NA
1        A          ac
1        P          NA
2        B          NA
2        P          NA
2        A          aa
2        P          NA
2        AB         aa",header=T)

result: (I highlighted those rows that infected)
user   action1    action2 
1        A          a
1        B          NA
1        Pa         NA <-
1        Pa         NA <-
1        A          ac
1        Pac        NA <-
2        B          NA
2        P          NA
2        A          aa
2        Paa        NA <-
2        AB         NA

Thank you

# Using zoo::na.locf(), fill NA with the previous value and group by user. Also `na.locf` will not remove NA.
setDT(df)[, V3 := na.locf(action2, na.rm = FALSE), by = .(user)]     
# combine action1 with V3 column if action1 is equal to 'P' and it is not NA.
df[action1 == 'P' & !(, action1 := paste0(action1, V3)] 
df[, V3 := NULL] # remove V3 column
#    user action1 action2
# 1:    1       A       a
# 2:    1       B      NA
# 3:    1      Pa      NA
# 4:    1      Pa      NA
# 5:    1       A      ac
# 6:    1     Pac      NA
# 7:    2       B      NA
# 8:    2       P      NA
# 9:    2       A      aa
# 10:    2     Paa      NA
# 11:    2      AB      aa


user   action1    action2 
               1        A          a
               1        B          NA
               1        P          NA
               1        P          NA
               1        A          ac
               1        P          NA
               2        B          NA
               2        P          NA
               2        A          aa
               2        P          NA
               2        AB         aa",header=T, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

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