Update pandas DataFrame Multilevel Index with a Series?

Ramón J Romero y Vigil

Given a DataFrame with a multi-level index (in this example 'userId' & 'date' are part of the index):

userId   date
x        1/1     1
         1/2     2
y        1/1     3
         1/3     4
z        1/1     4

And given a Series that has values from the first level of the DataFrame's multi-index as its own index:

x    Alice
z    Charlie
y    Bob

How can the first level of the DataFrame index be updated to be the values from a Series? The resulting DataFrame would look like

Alice    1/1     1
         1/2     2
Bob      1/1     3
         1/3     4
Charlie  1/1     4

Note: I cannot rely on the ordering of the Series being the same ordering as the first level of the multi-index (e.g. the Series index is ['x', 'z', 'y'] while the DataFrame first-level is ['x', 'y', 'z'])

Thank you in advance for your consideration and response.


Map the level using the Series, then assign the index back.

import pandas as pd

df.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(
            [df.index.get_level_values('userId').map(s),  # s is your Series

userId  date        
Alice   1/1        1
        1/2        2
Bob     1/1        3
        1/3        4
Charlie 1/1        4

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관련 기사


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