Copying data from a file and changing the target every day using a date input

Matheus Danella

I have been inputing data in an Excel file everyday using a bunch of other Excel files. But now, I would like to start doing this automatically.

The first thing that I did was to create a code that would input the data that I need, but I have to change it every day because the day changes as well:


I am having problems to edit this code to change the date "2016-08-18" from my input in those three other cells that I put the numbers on. Also, everyday it would fill the line below it, creating then a list of values as the days passes. I am also having troubles for doing it.

This does not look hard, but I am having lots of trouble while doing it.

Thank you.


Add a helper column in Column B that is =text(A1,"yyyy-mm-dd")
Then this formula in C1 =INDIRECT("'[archive"&B1&".xlsx]Sheet1'!A1",TRUE) assuming you have the date in cell A1. For some reason you cannot nest the text inside the indirect


侵害の場合は、連絡してください[email protected]






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