Find AD users with blank Password


Is there any way to find out users on my domain with blank password using powershell?

We already have a policy set for this but with too many admin teams managing different parts of domain just want to be sure if there is any active directory account with password = blank


Something like this should do for you:

Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=SomeOU,DC=mydomain,DC=forest,DC=local" | ForEach {
   (new-object directoryservices.directoryentry "", ("domain\" + $_.SamAccountName), "") -ne $null
   Write-Host ""

This will test all users for a blank password.

Alternatively - if you have a test password to use (you're looking for all "password123" users - try:

(new-object directoryservices.directoryentry "", ("domain\" + $_.SamAccountName), "password123") -ne $null

I use this for validating users on a rolling basis to look for all AD user accounts which have been created but never logged onto (and therefore still use our default password).

I've just tested this on a PowerShell 4 windows 8.1 machine and it works - but this is also known to work from anything running PowerShell 4 and 5 (and possibly older)


侵害の場合は、連絡してください[email protected]






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