Linking Docker Containers


I have a nodejs app i'm trying to run in a docker container. My app uses mongodb and redis.

I've pulled down both a mongo and redis container and dockerized my app.

I started up my mongo and redis containers like:

docker run -i -t --name redis -d redis
docker run -i -t --name mongo -d mongo

Now, I link my nodejs app container to both of these and run the app:

docker run -i -t --name myapp --link mongo:mongo --link redis:redis mseay/myapp node /myapp/server.js

When I run my app, it fails with the error

Error: Redis connection to localhost:6379 failed - connect ECONNREFUSED

My app cannot connect to either my redis container or mongo even though they're both running.

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                     COMMAND                    CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                     NAMES
8709c818014a        redis:latest              "/ redi   12 minutes ago      Up 12 minutes       6379/tcp                  redis
6d87364ad4c9        mongo:latest              "/ mong   12 minutes ago      Up 12 minutes       27017/tcp                 mongo

Any ideas?


Make sure that you are connecting to your mongodb and redis instance as so:

Note that I have made some changes how you link your containers. The names are important as they are referred later.

docker run -i -t --name myapp --link mongo:MONGODB --link redis:REDIS mseay/myapp node /myapp/server.js

For connecting to MongoDB:

IP = process.env.MONGODB_PORT_27017_TCP_ADDR
PORT = process.env.MONGODB_PORT_27017_TCP_PORT
var mongoUrl = 'mongodb://' + IP + ':' + PORT + '/';

or you can simply use:

var mongoUrl = 'mongodb://' + MONGODB + ':27017/';

Similarly connect to redis database by using its ip as REDIS.


When you create a docker container and link other docker containers via the --link parameter, docker modifies your containers hosts file and inserts the IP of the linked containers against their names (that you choose as --link=container_name:NAME_OF_YOUR_CHOICE).

Hence, if you open a bash in your new container and try to run

ping REDIS

you can see that both are reachable, and hence if you try connecting to them, it works (assuming your have mongodb and redis installed in the new container, and that your redis and mongodb instances are running on default ports)

mongo --host=MONGODB

redis-cli -h REDIS


侵害の場合は、連絡してください[email protected]






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    Docker Not Linking Containers

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    How to list containers in Docker

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    docker-compose up for only certain containers

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