Retrieving the id from Model to Controller in Angular JS


i have a table which is having the data retrieved from an api call from my memberController which is displayed inside ng-repeat and its working fine.

I need each Business Name of the member list to link to a separate page(edit_form.html) and display the id value, so that i can pass this along with the api call to get only this particular member detail. So i have added ng-init in my edit form page which calls the function test_funct when the page loads and retrieve each persons id there. unfortunately i am unable to retrieve the id value inside the function.

HTML Template

 <div class="page" data-ng-controller="memberController">
      <thead >
            <th>Business Name</th>
            <th>Contact Name</th>
            <th>Trade Balance</th>
            <th>Cash Balance</th>
            <th>Account Number </th>
        <tr data-ng-repeat="member in details | filter:search">
            <td><a href="#/pages/edit_form/" target="_blank" id="{{}}" class="business_name">{{member.businessname}}</a></td>

I have the following controller

function memberController($scope, $http, $cookieStore) {
    var token = $cookieStore.get('token');
    var conId = $cookieStore.get('Cont_Id');
    var exId = $cookieStore.get('ex_Id');
    var member_list = "" + exId +
                      "&contactid=" + conId + "&token=" + token;
       .success(function(response) {
           $scope.details = response;

    $scope.test_funct = function(id) {
       $scope.myid = id;
       alert($scope.myid); // getting undefined in alert, i expect the id(eg:1123)


 <div class="page" data-ng-controller="memberController">
   <div class="panel-body" ng-init="test_funct()"></div>

Please assist me on this. Thanks in advance.


There are 2 things going on here.

First, you should separate controllers for the different views, so you end up with something like this:

<div class="page" data-ng-controller="memberController">
    <!-- your whole big table here -->

And your editing form as follows:

<div class="page" data-ng-controller="editController">
   <div class="panel-body"></div>

Notice that you now have two distinct controllers - your "editController" and your "memberController".

The second question then becomes, how do you transfer the selected ID from the list view ("memberController") to the edit view ("editController").

There are 2 ways of doing that.

First, you could use a service shared between the controller:

.factory('SelectedId',function() {
   return {};

And then in your "member" view, you would set it upon clicking:

<a href="#/pages/edit_form/" target="_blank" id="{{}}" class="business_name" ng-click="setId(">{{member.businessname}}</a>

Notice the ng-click, which then needs a function in the memberController and the injected service:

.controller('memberController',function($scope,SelectedId) {
    $scope.setId = function(id) { = id;

While the editController retrieves it:

.controller('editController',function($scope,SelectedId) {
    $ =;

The above option works well, especially for complex things like shopping carts. If all you are doing is passing an ID, I would just stick it in the URL:

<a href="#/pages/edit_form/{{}}" target="_blank" id="{{}}" class="business_name">{{member.businessname}}</a>

So that the ID is part of the URL. You then can retrieve it in the "editController":

.controller('editController',function($scope,$routeParams) {
    $ = $routeParams.member;

assuming you are using ng-route, and your route would look like:



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