Laravel: Add a join to self referencing Many-to-Many relationship?


We have a self referencing product-to-product relationship, and I am struggling to return data based on another FK in the pivot table.

I'm playing with a sample pivot table that looks like this:

  • id
  • prod_id_to
  • prod_id_from
  • affiliation_type_id

And that affiliation_type_id FK refers to this table:

  • id
  • type
  • description

(BTW, if you want to see a full schema, find it here on pastebin)

My goal is to show affiliation_types.type.

My model looks like:

class TmpProd extends Eloquent {

    protected $table = 'tmp_prods';
    public $timestamps = false;

    public function affiliatedToProducts()
        return $this->belongsToMany('TmpProd', 'tmp_prod2prod', 'p_id_to', 'p_id_from')
            ->join('affiliation_types', 'tmp_prod2prod.affiliation_type_id', '=', '');

    public function affiliatedFromProducts()
        return $this->belongsToMany('TmpProd', 'tmp_prod2prod', 'p_id_from', 'p_id_to');


and my controller I'm running:

    $model = TmpProd::find(1);
    foreach ($model->affiliatedToProducts as $cross) {

I've tried enough variations that I feel like my head is spinning :)
How do I reconcile the affiliation_types.type based on the affiliation_type_id FK in the pivot table?


After going round and round with custom pivot models, all sorts of convoluted relations, etc., I believe I've found a simple solution—just add a select statement to your relation, targeting the affiliation_types table, so that you have access to the types column:

return $this->belongsToMany('TmpProd', 'tmp_prod2prod', 'p_id_to', 'p_id_from')
    ->join('affiliation_types', 'tmp_prod2prod.affiliation_type_id', '=', '')
    ->addSelect('affiliation_types.type as affiliation_type');

(The as affiliation_type part is optional, but will make your query clearer semantically.)

Then, in your foreach loop, you can call:


It would also be a good idea to eager-load your affiliatedToProducts relations, to reduce the number of queries from N+1 down to 2. So, to find a particular product by ID:

$model = TmpProd::with('affiliatedToProducts')->find(1);

Or, if you need to retrieve all products:

$model = TmpProd::with('affiliatedToProducts')->get();

...then loop over the results with foreach ($model as $m).

Update: This worked for Laraval v4.2.8, but as of v4.2.11, it seems (counterintuitively) that ->addSelect replaces, rather than adds, the query's original select statement, and is functionally identical to just using ->select. So for versions newer than 4.2.8, it is necessary to add the original table back into the query, so the belongsToMany relation should end with:

->select('affiliation_types.type', 'tmp_prods.*');


侵害の場合は、連絡してください[email protected]






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