R : how to define date and time format

Nahm Lee

I have a following time stamps.

outlist "19980202_0810" "19980202_0815" "19980202_0820"

I want to have "1998-02-02T08:10:00Z" "1998-02-02T08:15:00Z" "1998-02-02T08:20:00Z"

All I can do either "1998-02-02 08:10:00 PST".

time_obj = strptime(outlist, format = "%Y%m%d_%H%M")


strptime is the import function; strftime is the format (output) function although I think most people would just use format:

outlist <- c("19980202_0810", "19980202_0815", "19980202_0820")
time_obj=strptime(outlist, format = "%Y%m%d_%H%M") 
format( time_obj , format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
#[1] "1998-02-02T08:10:00Z" "1998-02-02T08:15:00Z" "1998-02-02T08:20:00Z"

At the moment these are POSIXlt items:

> class(time_obj)
[1] "POSIXlt" "POSIXt" 

It would be safer to convert to POSIXct:

> time_obj=as.POSIXct(outlist, format = "%Y%m%d_%H%M")
> time_obj
[1] "1998-02-02 08:10:00 PST" "1998-02-02 08:15:00 PST" "1998-02-02 08:20:00 PST"
> class(time_obj)
[1] "POSIXct" "POSIXt" 

POSIXlt objects are not handled well in data.frames.

Edit: The print method for POSIXct objects is documented in ?DateTimeClasses and the help page for format.POSIXct is at``srtftime` which I already cited:

strftime(time_obj, tz = "UTC")
[1] "1998-02-02 16:10:00" "1998-02-02 16:15:00" "1998-02-02 16:20:00"


侵害の場合は、連絡してください[email protected]






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