Load all csv/txt files from one directory and merge them via python


I have a folder which contains hundreds (possibly over 1 k) of csv data files, of chronological data. Ideally this data would be in one csv, so that I can analyse it all in one go. What I would like to know is, is there a way to append all the files to one another using python.

My files exist in folder locations like so:

C:\Users\folder\Database Files\1st September
C:\Users\folder\Database Files\1st October
C:\Users\folder\Database Files\1st November
C:\Users\folder\Database Files\1st December

Inside each of the folders there is 3 csv (I am using the term csv loosly since these files are actually saved as .txt files containing values seperated by pipes |)

Lets say these files are called:


How would I, or even is it possible to code something to go through all of these folders in this directory and then merge together all the OneTwoMurged.txt files?

Dennis Sylvian

For all files in folder with .csv suffix

import glob
import os

filelist = []

for counter, files in enumerate(glob.glob("*.csv")):
    print "do stuff with file:", files, counter

print filelist

for fileitem in filelist:
    print fileitem

Obviously the "do stuff part" depends on what you want done with the files, this is looking getting your list of files.

If you want to do something with the files on a monthly basis then you could use datetime and create possible months, same for days or yearly data.

For example, for monthly files with the names Month Year.csv it would look for each file.

import subprocess, datetime, os

start_year, start_month = "2001", "January"

current_month = datetime.date.today().replace(day=1)
possible_month = datetime.datetime.strptime('%s %s' % (start_month, start_year), '%B %Y').date()
while possible_month <= current_month:
    csv_filename = possible_month.strftime('%B %Y') + '.csv'
    month = possible_month.strftime('%B %Y').split(" ")[0]
    year = possible_month.strftime('%B %Y').split(" ")[1]
    if os.path.exists("folder/" + csv_filename):
        print csv_filename
    possible_month = (possible_month + datetime.timedelta(days=31)).replace(day=1)

Obviously you can change that to however you feel fit, let me know if you need more or if this suffices.


侵害の場合は、連絡してください[email protected]






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