C#: How to start a thread at a specific time


How can I start a background thread at a specific time of day, say 16:00?

So when the apps starts up the thread will wait until that time. But if the app starts up after that time then the thread will run straight away


Sriram Sakthivel

You can set up a timer at 16:00. I've answered a similar question here. That should help you for sure.

private System.Threading.Timer timer;
private void SetUpTimer(TimeSpan alertTime)
     DateTime current = DateTime.Now;
     TimeSpan timeToGo = alertTime - current.TimeOfDay;
     if (timeToGo < TimeSpan.Zero)
        return;//time already passed
     this.timer = new System.Threading.Timer(x =>
     }, null, timeToGo, Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan);

private void SomeMethodRunsAt1600()
    //this runs at 16:00:00

Then set it up using

SetUpTimer(new TimeSpan(16, 00, 00));

Edit: Keep the reference of the Timer as it's subject to garbage collection irrespective of the Timer is active or not.


侵害の場合は、連絡してください[email protected]






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