Need Google Maps to open Multiple Marker Popups with Fancybox


I am creating a Google map with multiple markers that I want to popup into a Fancybox lightbox when clicked on. I must admit, I am quite a novice at javascript and Google Maps API.

I have put some pieces of different sample scripts together and come up with something that actually works decently. I have the markers the way I want them (well, without captions... which I still have to figure out), the style of map the way I want it, and I even have the markers popping up lightboxes when clicked on.

However, all markers end up opening one URL in the lightbox. I guess that makes a bit of sense. The Fancybox code is being distributed to all the markers, instead of each one individually. I tried to make another argument with a url and pass it into the Fancybox script, but it still just picks up the last marker's url and uses it for all the markers. How would I be able to get the URL to work for each marker instead of all the markers at once?

I did find a similar question on here:

Multiple fancybox google map

However, it seams to use a different route of attacking the same issue. Plus, I can't seem to get their script to work by itself, let alone integrate it with my code. So, while I get how the solution works for them, it doesn't seem to help me.

My code is as follows:

var map;

var MY_MAPTYPE_ID = 'custom_style';

function initialize() {

  var featureOpts = [
      stylers: [
        { hue: '#CCCCCC' },
        { saturation: '-100' },     
        { visibility: 'simplified' },
        { gamma: 2 },
        { weight: .4 }
      elementType: 'labels',
      stylers: [
        { visibility: 'off' }
      featureType: 'water',
      stylers: [
        { color: '#efefef' }

  var mapOptions = {
    zoom: 9,
    scrollwheel: false,
    keyboardShortcuts: false,
    disableDefaultUI: true,
    center: new google.maps.LatLng(34.0531553, -84.3615928),
    mapTypeControlOptions: {
      mapTypeIds: [google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, MY_MAPTYPE_ID]
    mapTypeId: MY_MAPTYPE_ID

  map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas'),

  var styledMapOptions = {
    name: 'Custom Style'

  var customMapType = new google.maps.StyledMapType(featureOpts, styledMapOptions);

  map.mapTypes.set(MY_MAPTYPE_ID, customMapType);

 setMarkers(map, schools);

var schools = [
  ['Canton', 34.2352063, -84.4846274, 4, 'popup.htm'],
  ['Austell', 33.8158106, -84.6334938999999, 3, 'popup.htm'],
  ['Marietta', 33.9578674, -84.5532791, 2, 'popup.htm'],
  ['Atlanta', 33.7635085, -84.43030209999999, 1, 'popup2.htm']

function setMarkers(map, locations) {

  var image = {
    url: 'images/fml-home.png',

    size: new google.maps.Size(67, 63),

    origin: new google.maps.Point(0,0),

    anchor: new google.maps.Point(0, 63)
  var shadow = {
    url: 'images/fml-shadow.png',

    size: new google.maps.Size(45, 18),
    origin: new google.maps.Point(0,0),
    anchor: new google.maps.Point(0, 18)

  var shape = {
      coord: [1, 1, 1, 67, 60, 67, 60 , 1],
      type: 'poly'
  for (var i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
    var schools = locations[i];

    var myLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(schools[1], schools[2]);

    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
        position: myLatLng,
        map: map,
        shadow: shadow,
        icon: image,
        shape: shape,
        title: schools[0],
        zIndex: schools[3]


        var href = schools[4];

    google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {

    frameWidth    : 800,
    frameHeight   : 600,
    href : href,
    type : 'iframe'



google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
Lukas Greblikas

Try this:

marker["href"] = schools[4];

google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {

       frameWidth    : 800,
       frameHeight   : 600,
       href : this.href,
       type : 'iframe'


侵害の場合は、連絡してください[email protected]






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