How would you make a monad instance of this coroutine?


I am rolling a Coroutine package for education purposes, here it is:

data Step a b r 
  = Stop
  | Yield b r      
  | Await (a -> r) 

instance Functor (Step a b) where
   fmap g s = case s of 
   Stop       -> Stop
   Yield b r  -> Yield b $ g r
   Await f    -> Await (g . f) 

data CoroutineT m a b = CoT { resume :: m (Step a b (CoroutineT m a b)) }

run_ :: Monad m => CoroutineT m a b -> [a] -> m [b]
run_ (CoT m) as = m >>= \step -> case step of
     Stop      -> return []
     Yield o r -> liftM (o:) $ run_ r as 
     Await k   -> case is of 
       []     -> return [] 
       (x:xs) -> run_ (k x) xs

instance Monad m => Functor (CoroutineT m a) where
  fmap g (CoT m) = CoT $ liftM ap m where 
    ap Stop        = Stop
    ap (Yield b r) = Yield (g b) (fmap g r)
    ap (Await k)   = Await $ (fmap g) . k

instance Monad m => Monad (CoroutineT m a) where
   return b      = CoT . return . Yield b $ return b    
   (CoT m) >>= g = CoT $ liftM go m where 
        go Stop        = Stop
        go (Yield b r) = undefined      -- * This line I am having trouble with
        go (Await k)   = Await $ (>>=g) . k

As you could see in the comments above, the only line I am having issue with the Yield case, I can see that

(>>=)     :: CoroutineT m a b -> (b -> CoroutineT m a c) -> CoroutineT m a c
(g b)     :: CoroutineT m a c
r         :: CoroutineT m a b
(r >>= g) :: CoroutineT m a c

But I am not sure of

  1. How to put them together so it type checks
  2. What the semantics of bind is in the case of Yield

Per Gabriel's suggestion, the alternate implementation.

data Step a b x r 
  = Done x 
  | Yield b r
  | Await (a -> r)
  | Fail

instance Functor (Step a b x) where
    fmap g s = case s of 
        Done x    -> Done x
        Yield b r -> Yield b (g r)
        Await k   -> Await $ g . k
        Fail      -> Fail

-- | note the monad type needs to parameterize over type of `x` in `Done x`
data CoroutineT a b m x = CoT { resume :: m (Step a b x (CoroutineT a b m x)) }

instance Monad m => Functor (CoroutineT a b m) where
  fmap g (CoT m) = CoT $ liftM ap m where 
    ap (Done x)    = Done $ g x
    ap (Yield b r) = Yield b (fmap g r) 
    ap (Await k)   = Await $ (fmap g) . k
    ap Fail        = Fail

instance Monad m => Monad (CoroutineT a b m) where
  return = CoT . return . Done
  (CoT m) >>= g = CoT $ m >>= \step -> case step of 
    Done x    -> resume $ g x
    Yield b r -> return . Yield b $ r >>= g
    Await k   -> return . Await $ (>>=g) . k   
    Fail      -> return Fail

Note the implementation of return makes more sense now as well.


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