How to create a new column using R which says TRUE/FALSE if another column displays a specific value?


Here is a simple dataset:

mydf <- tibble(country = rep(c("UK", "US"), each = 3),
               date = rep(c("Day1", "Day2", "Day3"), times = 2),
               cases = seq(1:6))

# A tibble: 6 x 3
  country date  cases
  <chr>   <chr> <int>
1 UK      Day1      1
2 UK      Day2      2
3 UK      Day3      3
4 US      Day1      4
5 US      Day2      5
6 US      Day3      6

I want to create a new column called "part_us" using mutate() where TRUE is displayed if the value in "country" is equal to "US" and FALSE if it's anything other than "US".

It's a simple task but I am still learning R and would be grateful for some help with this.


You can use ifelse() inside mutate() on your dplyr pipeline:

mydf <- tibble(country = rep(c("UK", "US"), each = 3),
               date = rep(c("Day1", "Day2", "Day3"), times = 2),
               cases = seq(1:6))
mydf <- mydf %>% mutate(part_us=ifelse(country=='US',T,F))


# A tibble: 6 x 4
  country date  cases part_us
  <chr>   <chr> <int> <lgl>  
1 UK      Day1      1 FALSE  
2 UK      Day2      2 FALSE  
3 UK      Day3      3 FALSE  
4 US      Day1      4 TRUE   
5 US      Day2      5 TRUE   
6 US      Day3      6 TRUE 

Another way can be next: (Many thanks and credits to @Qwethm):

#Code 2
mydf <- mydf %>% mutate(part_us=country=="US")

Same output.


侵害の場合は、連絡してください[email protected]






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