How to get the first row that appears first in the data?


I have a data set shown as below:

data <- tribble(
  ~shop_name, ~products, ~category_name,
  "A",         1,          "Game",
  "A",         1,          "Book",         
  "A",         2,          "Electronic",
  "A",         3,          "Home", 
  "B",         5,          "Game",
  "B",         5,          "Electronic",
  "B",         8,          "Home",
  "C",         1,          "Book",
  "C",         7,          "Game",
  "C",         9,          "Game",

I wanted to see the top 1 category based on the products, and coded this:

data %>% 
  group_by(shop_name) %>% 
  top_n(1, products) %>% 
  mutate(top_category = toString(category_name))

But because products have sometimes same values per each shop_name, there are more than one category names in the "top_category". How can I get the first row that appears first in the dataset?


Use dplyr::first:

data %>% 
  group_by(shop_name) %>% 
  summarise(products = first(products),
            category_name = first(category_name))

To keep all columns without explicitly specifying them

data %>% 
  group_by(shop_name) %>% 


# shop_name products category_name
#  <chr>        <dbl> <chr>        
# 1 A                1 Game         
# 2 B                5 Game         
# 3 C                1 Book 


侵害の場合は、連絡してください[email protected]






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