How to access my custom python scripts from CLI in order for them to act on any file?


I am having difficulty accessing my custom scripts from the command line (python3 "C:\Users\Me\downloads\zipfilehome"). I want to have my scripts act on any file, no matter where they are. I don't want to have the script file in the same directory in order for it to work. I followed this question's top answer to no avail. Note: I am using Windows 10 and all my python versions are in the path with no issues accessing them.

What I did (I always refresh my CLI with every change)

In the system environmental variables:

Path: (unchanged since installation) C:\Path2Python27;C:\Path2Python27\scripts;C:\Path2Python37;C:\Path2Python37\scripts;

PYTHONPATH: C:\Path2Python37;C:\Path2Python37\scripts;C:\Users\Me\myscripts\py

Things I also tried

  • system environmental variables

Path: C:\Path2Python27;C:\Path2Python27\scripts;C:\Path2Python37;C:\Path2Python37\scripts;C:\Users\Me\myscripts\py

  • moving the same stuff to user env's Path
  • moving the above-shown system PYTHONPATH to the user env

What else am I missing? I don't understand.

All in all, what I needed to get this working:

system environmental variables

Path: C:\Path2Python27;C:\Path2Python27\scripts;C:\Path2Python37;C:\Path2Python37\scripts;

PYTHONPATH: C:\Users\Me\myscripts\py


making sure to use Andriy's comment. It won't work using python3 "C:\link\to\folder".

Andriy Ivaneyko

In order to achieve what you want you have to specify -m flag and the module name, so python will retrieve module by looking up python module path. See more here in interface-options. The command shall be:

python3 -m unzipit "C:\Users\Me\downloads\zipfilehome"


侵害の場合は、連絡してください[email protected]






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