Find Numeric Values among string from Array of Objects and do calculation

Malik Awan

My JavaScript array looks like this.

{id:1, msg:"Your Acct 123XXXX456 Has Been Debited with USD2,100.00 On 05- 
MAY- 2019 07:26:58 By AB: 123456**7899/USER NAME/0505201. Bal: 
USD973.28CR"}, <br/>
{id:1, msg: "Your Acct 123XXXX456 Has Been Debited with USD1,100.00 On 
05-MAY-2019 07:26:58 By AB: 123456**7899/USER NAME/0505201. Bal: 
{id:2, msg: "Your Acct 345XXXX678 Has Been Debited with USD4,100.00 On 
05-MAY-2019 07:26:58 By AB: 11111**22222/USER NAME/0505201. Bal: 

I need to pick the following details:

(1) Highest Debit amount (for particular user)
(2) Lowest Debit amount (for particular user)
(3) Sum all the debit amount for particular user.

I tried the following approach to get the non-digits from string.

let result = myArr[0].replace(/\D+/g, ' ').trim().split(' ').map(e => 

But output was like this.


This approach is putting comma in front of each digit, removing decimal point with preceding 00. I don't have any idea how to pick only debit amount. I am expecting output like this:

User   Highest Debit    Lowest Debit   Total Debit 
 1       2,100.00         1,100.00       3,200.00 
 2       4,100.00         4,100.00       4,100.00 

myArr = [{
    "id": 1,
    "msg": "Your Acct 123XXXX456 Has Been Debited with USD2,100.00 On 05- MAY - 2019 07: 26: 58 By AB: 123456 ** 7899 / USER NAME / 0505201. Bal: USD973 .28 CR "
    "id": 1,
    "msg": "Your Acct 123XXXX456 Has Been Debited with USD1,100.00 On 05 - MAY - 2019 07: 26: 58 By AB: 123456 ** 7899 / USER NAME / 0505201. Bal: USD673 .28 CR "
    "id": 2,
    "msg": "Your Acct 345XXXX678 Has Been Debited with USD4,100.00 On 05 - MAY - 2019 07: 26: 58 By AB: 11111 ** 22222 / USER NAME / 0505201. Bal: USD373 .28 CR "

let result = myArr[0].replace(/\D+/g, ' ').trim().split(' ').map(e =>


Your regex is too simple

Here is one way to get at each debit using Math.min and Math.max

I was considering using reduce but this is more readable

myArr = [
  { "id": 1, "msg": "Your Acct 123XXXX456 Has Been Debited with USD2,100.45 On 05 - MAY - 2019 07: 26: 58 By AB: 123456 ** 7899 / USER NAME / 0505201. Bal: USD973 .28 CR " },
  { "id": 1, "msg": "Your Acct 123XXXX456 Has Been Debited with USD1,100.50 On 05 - MAY - 2019 07: 26: 58 By AB: 123456 ** 7899 / USER NAME / 0505201. Bal: USD673 .28 CR " },
  { "id": 2, "msg": "Your Acct 345XXXX678 Has Been Debited with USD4,100.00 On 05 - MAY - 2019 07: 26: 58 By AB: 11111 ** 22222 / USER NAME / 0505201. Bal: USD373 .28 CR "}

let res = {}
myArr.forEach(obj => {
    const id  =;
    const msg = obj.msg;
    const uPos = msg.indexOf("USD"); // assuming a static message
    // grab the amount, use + to convert to number after removing the thousand separator
    const num = +msg.substring(uPos+3,msg.indexOf(" ",uPos)).replace(/,/g,"")
    let cur = res[id];
    if (!cur) { res[id]={}; cur=res[id];;}
    cur.low  =  cur.low  ?  Math.min(cur.low, num) : num;
    cur.high =  cur.high ?  Math.max(cur.high,num) : num; += num;


侵害の場合は、連絡してください[email protected]






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