




import { mapValues } from 'lodash'

// my (fake) redux state types
type SliceAState = { name: string }
type SliceBState = { isWhatever: boolean }

type GlobalState = {
  a: SliceAState;
  b: SliceBState;

type StateKey = keyof GlobalState

type Selector<TState, TResult> = (state: TState) => TResult

type StateSlice<TKey extends StateKey> = GlobalState[TKey]

type GlobalizedSelector<TResult> = Selector<GlobalState, TResult>

const globalizeSelector = <TKey extends StateKey, Result>(
  sliceKey: TKey,
  sliceSelector: Selector<StateSlice<TKey>, Result>
): GlobalizedSelector<Result> => state => sliceSelector(state[sliceKey])

// an example of a map of selectors as they might be exported from their source file
const sliceASelectors = {
  getName: (state: SliceAState): string => state.name,
  getNameLength: (state: SliceAState): number => state.name.length

// fake global state
const globalState: GlobalState = {
  a: { name: 'My Name' },
  b: { isWhatever: true }

// so this works...
const globalizedGetName = globalizeSelector('a', sliceASelectors.getName)
const globalizedNameResult: string = globalizedGetName(globalState)

const globalizedGetNameLength = globalizeSelector(
const globalizedNameLengthResult: number = globalizedGetNameLength(globalState)

/* but when I try to transform the map to globalize all its selectors, 
   I get type errors (although the implementation works as untyped
type SliceSelector<TKey extends StateKey, T> = T extends Selector<
  infer R
  ? Selector<StateSlice<TKey>, R>
  : never

const globalizeSelectors = <TKey extends StateKey, T>(
  sliceKey: TKey,
  sliceSelectors: {
    [key: string]: SliceSelector<TKey, T>;
) => mapValues(sliceSelectors, s => globalizeSelector(sliceKey, s))

const globalized = globalizeSelectors('a', sliceASelectors)
/*_________________________________________^ TS Error:
Argument of type '{ getName: (state: SliceAState) => string; getNameLength: (state: SliceAState) => number; }' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ [key: string]: never; }'.
  Property 'getName' is incompatible with index signature.
    Type '(state: SliceAState) => string' is not assignable to type 'never'. [2345]
const globalizedGetName2: string = globalized.getName(globalState)
Titian Cernicova-Dragomir

ではglobalizeSelectorsタイプsliceSelectorsです{[key: string]: SliceSelector<TKey, T> }しかしT、この場合、誰がすべきでしょうか?単純なバージョンでTは、その特定のスライスセレクターの戻り値の型になりますが、複数をマップする場合、Tすべての戻り値の型になることはできません。

私が使用する解決策は、すべてのメンバーがタイプでなければならないという制限付きで、Tタイプ全体をsliceSelectors表すために使用することですSliceSelector<TKey, any>anyただ、我々はスライスセレクタの戻り値の型が何であるかを気にしないが表しています。


import { mapValues } from 'lodash'

// my (fake) redux state types
type SliceAState = { name: string }
type SliceBState = { isWhatever: boolean }

type GlobalState = {
  a: SliceAState;
  b: SliceBState;

type StateKey = keyof GlobalState

type GlobalizedSelector<TResult> = Selector<GlobalState, TResult>

const globalizeSelector = <TKey extends StateKey, Result>(
  sliceKey: TKey,
  sliceSelector: Selector<StateSlice<TKey>, Result>
): GlobalizedSelector<Result> => state => sliceSelector(state[sliceKey])

// an example of a map of selectors as they might be exported from their source file
const sliceASelectors = {
  getName: (state: SliceAState): string => state.name,
  getNameLength: (state: SliceAState): number => state.name.length

// fake global state
const globalState: GlobalState = {
  a: { name: 'My Name' },
  b: { isWhatever: true }

type Selector<TState, TResult> = (state: TState) => TResult

type StateSlice<TKey extends StateKey> = GlobalState[TKey]

// Simplified selctor, not sure what the conditional type here was trying to achive
type SliceSelector<TKey extends StateKey, TResult> = Selector<StateSlice<TKey>, TResult>

const globalizeSelectors = <TKey extends StateKey, T extends {
    [P in keyof T]: SliceSelector<TKey, any>
  sliceKey: TKey,
  sliceSelectors: T
) : { [P in keyof T]: GlobalizedSelector<ReturnType<T[P]>> } => mapValues(sliceSelectors, s => globalizeSelector(sliceKey, s as any)) as any // Not sure about mapValues 

const globalized = globalizeSelectors('a', sliceASelectors)

const globalizedGetName2: string = globalized.getName(globalState)



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