Calculations across more than two different dataframes in R


I'm trying to transfer some work previously done in Excel into R. All I need to do is transform two basic count_if formulae into readable R script. In Excel, I would use three tables and calculate across those using 'point-and-click' methods, but now I'm lost in how I should address it in R.

My original dataframes are large, so for this question I've posted sample dataframes:

OperatorData <- data.frame(
                    Operator = c("A","B","C"),
                    Locations = c(850, 575, 2175)

AreaData <- data.frame(
              Area = c("Torbay","Torquay","Tooting","Torrington","Taunton","Torpley"),
              SumLocations = c(1000,500,500,250,600,750)

OperatorAreaData <- data.frame(
              Operator = c("A","A","A","B","B","B","C","C","C","C","C"),
              Area = c("Torbay","Tooting","Taunton",
              Locations = c(250,400,200,

What I'm trying to do is add two new columns to the OperatorData dataframe: one indicating the count of Areas that operator operates in and another count indicating how many areas in which that operator operates in and owns more than 50% of locations.

So the new resulting dataframe would look like this

Operator     Locations   AreaCount    Own_GE_50percent
A            850         3            1
B            575         3            1
C            2715        5            4

So far, I've managed to calculate the first column using the table function and then appending:

OpAreaCount <- data.frame(table(OperatorAreaData$Operator))
names(OpAreaCount)[2] <- "AreaCount"
OperatorData$"AreaCount" <- cbind(OpAreaCount$AreaCount)

This is fairly straightforward, but I'm stuck in how to calculate the second column calculation with the condition of 50%.


OperatorAreaData %>%
  inner_join(AreaData, by="Area") %>%
  group_by(Operator) %>%
  summarise(AreaCount = n_distinct(Area),
            Own_GE_50percent = sum(Locations > (SumLocations/2)))

# # A tibble: 3 x 3
#   Operator AreaCount Own_GE_50percent
#   <fct>        <int>            <int>
# 1 A                3                1
# 2 B                3                1
# 3 C                5                4

You can use AreaCount = n() if you're sure you have unique Area values for each Operator.


侵害の場合は、連絡してください[email protected]






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