How to optimize a query having multiple like conditions


I've following query into which I'm filling temporary table from multiple select statements which are using multiple like conditions but I'm unable to optimize the query.

if object_id('tempdb..#tempTable') is not null

    drop table #tempTable

select totalProcessed=(select  COUNT(*) as totalProcessed 
from DetailItem di
inner join DownloadFile df 
on di.DownloadFileID = df.DownLoadID
(CONVERT(date, di.CompletionTime)) = '2018-01-31' and
and df.CompanyID = 164 
and (df.filename like '%OA73030%'  or df.filename like '%OA73035%'
or df.FileName like '%OA77030%' or df.filename like '%OA77035%')),

totalErrored=(select  COUNT(*) as totalErrored 
from DetailItem di
inner join DownloadFile df 
on di.DownloadFileID = df.DownLoadID
(di.CompletionDetail  like '%Not found%'or di.CompletionDetail  like '%error%')  and 
CONVERT(date, di.CompletionTime) ='2018-01-31' 
and di.DetailItemName<>'99999999' 
and df.CompanyID = 164 
and (df.FileName like '%OA73030%' or df.filename like '%OA73035%'
or df.FileName like '%OA77030%' or df.filename like '%OA77035%')),

totalSuccess=(select  COUNT(*) as totalSuccess 
from DetailItem di
inner join DownloadFile df 
on di.DownloadFileID = df.DownLoadID
(di.CompletionDetail not like '%error%' and di.CompletionDetail not like '%Not Found%') and 
CONVERT(date, di.CompletionTime) ='2018-01-31' 
and di.DetailItemName<>'99999999' 
and df.CompanyID = 164
and (df.FileName like '%OA73030%' or df.filename like '%OA73035%'
or df.FileName like '%OA77030%' or df.filename like '%OA77035%')) into #tempTable
select totalProcessed, totalErrored, totalSuccess,cast(round(((totalSuccess*100.0)/totalProcessed),2) as decimal(5,2)) as '%ProcessedSuccessfully',
(totalProcessed-totalSuccess)as 'TotalRe-Processed(2ndBD)',0 as 'TotalSuccessfullyProcessedOutOfRe-order(3rdBD)',0 as 'TotalSLAMissed' 
from #tempTable
Alexander Volok

I assume that search values comes dynamically and no way to predict of what going to be selected. Then, you cannot do a lot with constructions like:

WHERE df.filename like '%OA73030%'  or df.filename like '%OA73035%'
or df.FileName like '%OA77030%' or df.filename like '%OA77035%'

Since there is no way to rewrite it to:

WHERE df.filename like IN ('%OA73030%','%OA73035%','%OA77030%','%OA77035%')

However, you entire logic of your query can be very much optimized this way:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalProcessed
,       COUNT(CASE WHEN    di.CompletionDetail LIKE '%Not found%' OR di.CompletionDetail LIKE '%error%'  THEN 1 END) AS totalErrored
,       COUNT(CASE WHEN    di.CompletionDetail NOT LIKE '%error%' AND di.CompletionDetail NOT LIKE '%Not Found%'  THEN 1 END) AS totalErrored
,       COUNT(CASE WHEN    di.CompletionDetail NOT LIKE '%error%' AND di.CompletionDetail NOT LIKE '%Not Found%'  THEN 1 END) AS totalSuccess
FROM   DetailItem di
       INNER JOIN DownloadFile df ON di.DownloadFileID = df.DownLoadID
WHERE  di.CompletionTime between '2018-01-31' AND '2018-01-31 23:59:59'
       AND di.DetailItemName <> '99999999'
       AND df.CompanyID = 164
       AND (   df.filename LIKE '%OA73030%'
               OR df.filename LIKE '%OA73035%'
               OR df.FileName LIKE '%OA77030%'
               OR df.filename LIKE '%OA77035%' );

In this case the data engine have to search data only once for all aggregates instead of four times.

Next to that, your approach of trimming time is not SARGable:

( CONVERT(DATE, di.CompletionTime)) = '2018-01-31'

and it has to be rewritten to:

di.CompletionTime between '2018-01-31' AND '2018-01-31 23:59:59'

Otherwise possible index on CompletionTime will not be used


侵害の場合は、連絡してください[email protected]






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