How to detect arrow keys in a Javascript game?


I made a pong like game and I want to control the paddle with arrow keys instead of the mouse.

For some reason the game is not detecting the keypress. Also, I tried adding a pause game function when I press P, but I am also stuck on this.

Can somebody please help?

The declaration of the event listeners:

document.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
        if (event.keyCode === 38) {
            paddle1 += 5;
        } else if (event.keyCode === 40) {
            paddle1 -= 5;
        } else if (event.keycode === 80) {

Here's the full pong game with keyboard controls:

        var canvas;
        var canvasContext;
        var ballX = 50;
        var ballSpeedX = 10;
        var ballY = 50;
        var ballSpeedY = 5;
        var ym = 10; // the movement of y axis
        var keys = new Array();
        var player1Score = 0;
        var player2Score = 0;
        const WinningScore = 5;
        var showingWinScreen = false;
        var paddle1 = 350;
        var paddle2 = 350;
        const paddleHeight = 100;
        const paddleThickness = 10;
        function PausePressed(evt) {
            if(showingWinScreen) {
                player1Score = 0;
                player2Score = 0;
                showingWinScreen = false;
        window.onload =function() {
            canvas = document.getElementById('Mycanvas');
            canvasContext = canvas.getContext('2d');
            var framesPerSecond = 60;
            setInterval(function() {
            }, 1000/framesPerSecond);
     function ballReset(){
         if(player1Score >= WinningScore ||
            player2Score >= WinningScore) {
             showingWinScreen = true;
         ballX = canvas.width/3;
         ballY = canvas.height/3;
         ballSpeedX = -ballSpeedX
    function doKeyDown(evt){   
            keys[evt.keyCode] = true;
            evt.preventDefault();   // Prevents the page to scroll up/down while pressing arrow keys
        function doKeyUp(evt) {
            keys[evt.keyCode] = false;
    function move() {
            if (38 in keys && keys[38]){ //up
                paddle1 += ym;
            if (40 in keys && keys[40]){ //down
                paddle1 -= ym;
        function computerMovement() {
            var paddle2Center = paddle2 + (paddleHeight/2);
            if(paddle2Center < ballY - 30) {
              paddle2 = paddle2 + 8;
          } else if(paddle2Center > ballY + 30) {
              paddle2 = paddle2 - 8;
        function moveEverything(){
            if(showingWinScreen) {
         ballX = ballX + ballSpeedX;
         ballY = ballY + ballSpeedY;
         if(ballX > canvas.width) {
             if(ballY > paddle2 &&
               ballY < paddle2+paddleHeight) {
                 ballSpeedX = -ballSpeedX;
                 var deltaY = ballY
                 ballSpeedY = deltaY * 0.25;
             } else {
                 player1Score += 1;
         if(ballX < 0) {
             if(ballY > paddle1 &&
               ballY < paddle1+paddleHeight) {
                 ballSpeedX = -ballSpeedX;
                 var deltaY = ballY
                 ballSpeedY = deltaY * 0.25;
             } else {
                 player2Score += 1;
         if(ballY > canvas.height) {
             ballSpeedY = -ballSpeedY
         if(ballY < 0) {
             ballSpeedY = -ballSpeedY
     function drawNet() {
         for(var i=0;i<canvas.height; i+=40) {
     function drawEverything() {
                 if(showingWinScreen) {
                     canvasContext.fillStyle = 'white';
                        if(player1Score >= WinningScore) {
                            canvasContext.font = 'italic 60pt Calibri';
                            canvasContext.fillText('Left Player Won!', 475,350);
                        } else if(player2Score >= WinningScore) {
                            canvasContext.font = 'italic 60pt Calibri';
                            canvasContext.fillText('Right Player Won', 475,350);
                      canvasContext.font = 'italic 80pt Calibri';  
                     canvasContext.fillText('click to continue', 400,600);
    colorCircle(ballX, ballY, 10, 'white')
         canvasContext.fillText(player1Score, 100,100);
         canvasContext.fillText(player2Score, canvas.width-100,100);
        function colorRect(leftX,topY, width, height, drawColor) {
            canvasContext.fillStyle = drawColor;
            canvasContext.fillRect(leftX,topY, width,height);
        function colorCircle(centerX, centerY, radius, drawColor) {
            canvasContext.fillStyle = drawColor;
            canvasContext.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, 0,Math.PI*2, true);
        <title>Ping Pong Game</title>
    <body bgcolor="#FFB630">
    <canvas id="Mycanvas" width="1600" height="800"></canvas>
        <h1>The Ping Pong Game</h1>
            <h2>Use the mouse to control the paddle!</h2>

And here's the original game with mouse control

var canvas;
var canvasContext;
var ballX = 50;
var ballSpeedX = 10;
var ballY = 50;
var ballSpeedY = 5;

var player1Score = 0;
var player2Score = 0;
const WinningScore = 5;

var showingWinScreen = false;

var paddle1 = 350;
var paddle2 = 350;
const paddleHeight = 100;
const paddleThickness = 10;

function calculateMousePos(evt) {
  var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
  var root = document.documentElement;
  var mouseX = evt.clientX - rect.left - root.scrollLeft;
  var mouseY = evt.clientY - - root.scrollTop;
  return {
    x: mouseX,
    y: mouseY

function handleMouseClick(evt) {
  if (showingWinScreen) {
    player1Score = 0;
    player2Score = 0;
    showingWinScreen = false;


window.onload = function() {
  canvas = document.getElementById('Mycanvas');
  canvasContext = canvas.getContext('2d');

  var framesPerSecond = 60;
  setInterval(function() {
  }, 1000 / framesPerSecond);

  canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', handleMouseClick);

    function(evt) {
      var mousePos = calculateMousePos(evt);
      paddle1 = mousePos.y - (paddleHeight / 2);


function ballReset() {
  if (player1Score >= WinningScore ||
    player2Score >= WinningScore) {

    showingWinScreen = true;

  ballX = canvas.width / 3;
  ballY = canvas.height / 3;
  ballSpeedX = -ballSpeedX

function computerMovement() {
  var paddle2Center = paddle2 + (paddleHeight / 2);
  if (paddle2Center < ballY - 30) {
    paddle2 = paddle2 + 8;
  } else if (paddle2Center > ballY + 30) {
    paddle2 = paddle2 - 8;

function moveEverything() {
  if (showingWinScreen) {

  ballX = ballX + ballSpeedX;
  ballY = ballY + ballSpeedY;
  if (ballX > canvas.width) {
    if (ballY > paddle2 &&
      ballY < paddle2 + paddleHeight) {
      ballSpeedX = -ballSpeedX;

      var deltaY = ballY -
        (paddle2 + paddleHeight / 2);
      ballSpeedY = deltaY * 0.25;
    } else {
      player1Score += 1;
  if (ballX < 0) {
    if (ballY > paddle1 &&
      ballY < paddle1 + paddleHeight) {
      ballSpeedX = -ballSpeedX;

      var deltaY = ballY -
        (paddle1 + paddleHeight / 2);
      ballSpeedY = deltaY * 0.25;
    } else {
      player2Score += 1;
  if (ballY > canvas.height) {
    ballSpeedY = -ballSpeedY
  if (ballY < 0) {
    ballSpeedY = -ballSpeedY

function drawNet() {
  for (var i = 0; i < canvas.height; i += 40) {
    colorRect(canvas.width / 2 - 1, i, 2, 20, 'white');

function drawEverything() {

  colorRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height, 'black');

  if (showingWinScreen) {
    canvasContext.fillStyle = 'white';

    if (player1Score >= WinningScore) {
      canvasContext.font = 'italic 60pt Calibri';
      canvasContext.fillText('Left Player Won!', 475, 350);
    } else if (player2Score >= WinningScore) {
      canvasContext.font = 'italic 60pt Calibri';
      canvasContext.fillText('Right Player Won', 475, 350);

    canvasContext.font = 'italic 80pt Calibri';
    canvasContext.fillText('click to continue!', 400, 600);



  colorRect(0, paddle1, paddleThickness, paddleHeight, 'white');
  colorRect(canvas.width - paddleThickness, paddle2, paddleThickness, paddleHeight, 'white');
  colorCircle(ballX, ballY, 10, 'white')

  canvasContext.fillText(player1Score, 200, 100);
  canvasContext.fillText(player2Score, canvas.width - 200, 100);


function colorRect(leftX, topY, width, height, drawColor) {
  canvasContext.fillStyle = drawColor;
  canvasContext.fillRect(leftX, topY, width, height);

function colorCircle(centerX, centerY, radius, drawColor) {
  canvasContext.fillStyle = drawColor;
  canvasContext.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);


  <title>Ping Pong Game</title>



  <canvas id="Mycanvas" width="1600" height="800"></canvas>

    <h1>The Ping Pong Game</h1>

    <h2>Use the mouse to control the paddle!</h2>

    body {
      background-color: #FFD700;



Michael Treat

So, the biggest issue is that you were never calling your move() function. I added a call to the move() function to your keydown event and then continually console logged everything that was happening until I figured out what was wrong.

Here is my edited code ( I left the console.logs in to show you how I debugged it). It shows the paddle moving and in the correct direction.

You may also have an issue with the delayed paddle movement when holding down a key because it takes a second to register that the key is being held down instead of pressed. I've attached a JS eventhandler reference to help you out in finding a way around that.

You also need to click the page to bring it in focus.

var canvas;
var canvasContext;
var ballX = 50;
var ballSpeedX = 10;
var ballY = 50;
var ballSpeedY = 5;
var ym = 10; // the movement of y axis
var keys = new Array();

var player1Score = 0;
var player2Score = 0;
const WinningScore = 11115;

var showingWinScreen = false;

var paddle1 = 350;
var paddle2 = 350;
const paddleHeight = 100;
const paddleThickness = 10;

function PausePressed(evt) {
  if (showingWinScreen) {
    player1Score = 0;
    player2Score = 0;
    showingWinScreen = false;


window.onload = function() {
  canvas = document.getElementById('Mycanvas');
  canvasContext = canvas.getContext('2d');
  window.addEventListener('keydown', doKeyDown, true);
  window.addEventListener('keyup', doKeyUp, true);

  var framesPerSecond = 60;
  setInterval(function() {
  }, 1000 / framesPerSecond);


function ballReset() {
  if (player1Score >= WinningScore ||
    player2Score >= WinningScore) {

    showingWinScreen = true;

  ballX = canvas.width / 3;
  ballY = canvas.height / 3;
  ballSpeedX = -ballSpeedX

function doKeyDown(evt) {
  keys[evt.keyCode] = true;
  console.log("current keyCode:",evt.keyCode)
  evt.preventDefault(); // Prevents the page to scroll up/down while pressing arrow keys

function doKeyUp(evt) {
  console.log("'key up' event fired")
  console.log(`keyCode: ${evt.keyCode} keys: ${keys}`)
  console.log(" 'key[evt.keyCode]' before:", keys[evt.keyCode])
  keys[evt.keyCode] = false;
  console.log(" 'key[evt.keyCode]' after:", keys[evt.keyCode])
   console.log(`keyCode: ${evt.keyCode} keys: ${keys}`)

function move() {
  console.log("Entered move function")
  if (38 in keys && keys[38]) { //up
    console.log("entered '38 in keys'. UP ")
    console.log("paddle1 before -= :", paddle1)
    paddle1 -= ym;
    console.log("paddle1 after -= :", paddle1)
  else if (40 in keys && keys[40]) { //down
    console.log("entered '40 in keys'. DOWN ")
    console.log("paddle1 before += :", paddle1)
    paddle1 += ym;
    console.log("paddle1 after += :", paddle1)

function computerMovement() {
  var paddle2Center = paddle2 + (paddleHeight / 2);
  if (paddle2Center < ballY - 30) {
    paddle2 = paddle2 + 8;
  } else if (paddle2Center > ballY + 30) {
    paddle2 = paddle2 - 8;

function moveEverything() {
  if (showingWinScreen) {


  ballX = ballX + ballSpeedX;
  ballY = ballY + ballSpeedY;
  if (ballX > canvas.width) {
    if (ballY > paddle2 &&
      ballY < paddle2 + paddleHeight) {
      ballSpeedX = -ballSpeedX;

      var deltaY = ballY -
        (paddle2 + paddleHeight / 2);
      ballSpeedY = deltaY * 0.25;

    } else {
      player1Score += 1;
  if (ballX < 0) {
    if (ballY > paddle1 &&
      ballY < paddle1 + paddleHeight) {
      ballSpeedX = -ballSpeedX;

      var deltaY = ballY -
        (paddle1 + paddleHeight / 2);
      ballSpeedY = deltaY * 0.25;

    } else {
      player2Score += 1;
  if (ballY > canvas.height) {
    ballSpeedY = -ballSpeedY
  if (ballY < 0) {
    ballSpeedY = -ballSpeedY

function drawNet() {
  for (var i = 0; i < canvas.height; i += 40) {
    colorRect(canvas.width / 2 - 1, i, 2, 20, 'white');

function drawEverything() {

  colorRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height, 'black');

  if (showingWinScreen) {
    canvasContext.fillStyle = 'white';

    if (player1Score >= WinningScore) {
      canvasContext.font = 'italic 60pt Calibri';
      canvasContext.fillText('Left Player Won!', 475, 350);
    } else if (player2Score >= WinningScore) {
      canvasContext.font = 'italic 60pt Calibri';
      canvasContext.fillText('Right Player Won', 475, 350);

    canvasContext.font = 'italic 80pt Calibri';
    canvasContext.fillText('click to continue', 400, 600);



  colorRect(0, paddle1, paddleThickness, paddleHeight, 'white');
  colorRect(canvas.width - paddleThickness, paddle2, paddleThickness, paddleHeight, 'white');
  colorCircle(ballX, ballY, 10, 'white')

  canvasContext.fillText(player1Score, 100, 100);
  canvasContext.fillText(player2Score, canvas.width - 100, 100);


function colorRect(leftX, topY, width, height, drawColor) {
  canvasContext.fillStyle = drawColor;
  canvasContext.fillRect(leftX, topY, width, height);

function colorCircle(centerX, centerY, radius, drawColor) {
  canvasContext.fillStyle = drawColor;
  canvasContext.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);


  <title>Ping Pong Game</title>


<body bgcolor="#FFB630">

  <canvas id="Mycanvas" width="1600" height="800"></canvas>

    <h1>The Ping Pong Game</h1>

    <h2>Use the mouse to control the paddle!</h2>




侵害の場合は、連絡してください[email protected]






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