What is the path to a local variable from hadoop fs, bash?

Finn Maunsell

Windows user here. Will be a really simple answer, it must have been asked but I mustn't know the terminology to find the question here in Stack.

I'm trying to reference any file outside of the hadoop fs (hadoop filesystem?) on my Linux VM. An example is this:

hadoop fs -put home/udacity_training/data/access_logs.txt access_logs.txt

In the above call I'm trying to copy the file from the 'data' folder to my hadoop filesystem. However for every path I try reference I get 'no such file or directory' error. Even when trying to use 'copyFromLocal' like so:

hadoop fs -copyFromLocal access_logs.txt access_logs.txt

It doesn't work!

Any help will be massively appreciated.

Ramesh Maharjan

With the following command

hadoop fs -put home/udacity_training/data/access_logs.txt access_logs.txt

You are telling hadoop to copy access_logs.txt from local file system to access_logs.txt directory in hdfs. What hadoop is doing is trying to find that directory inside home directory of the hadoop user

So you can create home directory of hadoop user with which you are running hadoop commands as

hadoop dfs -mkdir -f /user/Finn

I am assuming Finn is the username

Then you apply

hadoop fs -put home/udacity_training/data/access_logs.txt /user/Finn/

You will see that access_logs.txt should be copied


侵害の場合は、連絡してください[email protected]






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