Pandas - transpose one column


I'm having difficulty using transpose with pandas.

I have the following df:

date         name    quantity
1/1/2018     A       5
1/1/2018     B       6
1/1/2018     C       7
1/2/2018     A       9
1/2/2018     B       8
1/2/2018     C       6

I eventually want to create a pairwise correlation for all the names and their quantities on each date. To to that end, I'm trying to create the following output from this df first:

 date       A    B    C
 1/1/2018   5    6    7
 1/2/2018   9    8    6

The transpose is difficult to me since I can get duplicate column headers, but I also don't want to lose any data by dropping them first. I have a feeling the answer may be with a panda utility that I don't really use and I may be tunneling on transpose...


Since you aren't performing an aggregation, pd.DataFrame.pivot should be preferred to groupby / pivot_table:

res = df.pivot(index='date', columns='name', values='quantity')


name      A  B  C
1/1/2018  5  6  7
1/2/2018  9  8  6

If you wish you can use reset_index to elevate date to a column.


侵害の場合は、連絡してください[email protected]






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Related 関連記事

  1. 1

    Transpose Pandas DataFrame and change the column headers to a list

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    Transpose DF columns based on column values - Pandas

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    Transpose Range of a Column at a Time- Pandas

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    How to permute one column in pandas

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    pandas - two dateframes into one column

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    Transpose Rows to Columns with Pandas

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    Python/Pandas transpose

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    Transpose whole dataframe into one row dataframe- (or transposing each row of data.table and column binding)

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    Sort dataframe by another on one column - pandas

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