How to pass JSON data from Node js route to script inside an html file?


I am trying to populate a dropdown in my index html with data from a mongodb collection. I have populating code that looks like this:

        document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
          for (element in mongoData){
            var option = document.createElement('option');
            option.innerHTML = element;
            option.value = element;

and in app.js, my route is as follows:

    app.use("/",(req,res) => {
        res.sendFile(__dirname + "/index.html")

I need to pass the JSON object 'mongoData' to this html, and am not sure how to do this. The 'mongoData' will be a JSON of some data collected from a given collection.

One solution I thought of but haven't implemented yet is to write out this mongodata to a text file or a csv file or something like that from the app.js, and then read in the file from my populating script. I feel like this would be bad form though and not very secure.

Another option I thought of is to try and connect to the mongoose server within the populating script, but when I tried this, it didn't work so I've kinda assumed that this is not possible.

Something I've looked into before posting this is using res.render() to send the JSON, but I don't really understand what templating is and would rather not have to learn about all of that if I can avoid that.

Is there an elegant solution to this?


You would change your data in your server eg through a template engine.

Or you can build something similar to do the same. Dummy logic:

  1. Readfile with fs module.
  2. Use regex to replace/insert your content (eg from your object).
  3. Send result to client.

UPDATE: A simple example for a custom template engine.

First a simple html file - index.html (please notice $replace_me):

    <div class="circle">

      <div class="square">
        something else

In our node server we could do something like this:

var fs = require('fs');

//used sync for clean demo, use async in production
var _html_cont = fs.readFileSync('index.html', {encoding: 'utf-8'});

//dynamic content to replace
var _repl = "<div>I am new!</div>";

//actually replace it
var _im_regex = new RegExp("\\$replace_me", "gm");
_html_cont = _html_cont.replace(_im_regex, _repl);

 //send result to client
 res.writeHead(200, { 'content-type': 'text/html' });


侵害の場合は、連絡してください[email protected]






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