Rename Files using wildcard paths


Recently I started working and my first task is to write a batch file that automatically changes filenames to filename_date with the original file-ending. For that you should be able to write paths into a textfile (e.g. paths.txt) and when you start the program, it should take any line (=path->file) from there and rename it. I got it to work on my PC quiet well but as I gave it to testing they asked to make the use of wildcards Z:\Path\*.* possible. My current code looks as follows:

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
cd %~dp0    

For /F "tokens=*" %%m in (paths.txt) do (

set path=%%~dpm
set name=%%~nxm

pushd "!path!"

For /r !path! %%f in (!name!) do (

set path=%%~dpf
set name=%%~nf
set ending=%%~xf
set datsave=%%~nxf

set "name=!name!_"
set "name=!name!!date:~6,4!"
set "name=!name!!date:~3,2!"
set "name=!name!!date:~0,2!"

set "name=!name!!ending!"

copy "!datsave!" "!name!"

del "!datsave!"


I know that a lot of it is probably easier and more efficient to do, but this is my first batch project and I am quiet happy except for the wildcard problem. So an example would be: C:\Some\Path\*.*

This line would be in paths.txt. With the splitting

set path=%%~dpf
set name=%%~nf
set ending=%%~xf
set datsave=%%~nxf

I get the following:

path: C:\Some\Path
name: C:\Some\Path
ending: -empty-
datsave: C:\Some\Path

because name is set to the Path at the start of the first FOR-Loop. But that seems to be working if I do not use wildcards.

Now the question: Why does this happen and how do I get rid of it? Or do I just use the wrong type of wildcards?

Again: This is my first time I work with batch, so it might be something simple ;)


Weeeeell First of all thanks again to @Jean-François Fabre and @aschipfl for their patience with me :) After the hint with the second batch file I had to test a few things as not everything worked as fine, but now everything works great!

Code of the Main file:

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
cd %~dp0
set DEPTH=20

For /F %%m in (paths.txt) do (
set pth=%%~dpm

  REM pushd !pth!
  REM set origpth=!cd!
  REM popd

set z=%%m
set name=!z!

For /L %%i in (1,1,%DEPTH%) do set 
set chkname=!name:*\=!
if not !chkname!==!name! ( echo depth to small
exit /B)

rem set name=%%~nxm
pushd "!pth!"

For /r . %%f in (!name!) do (

pushd %~dp0
call renamefiles.bat %%f REM "!origpth!"


And the code of the sub-file:

@echo off   

  REM set pth=%~dp1
  REM set origpth=%2
  REM set origpth=%origpath:"=%\

  REM If !pth!==%origpth% (

set path=%~dp1
set name=%~n1
set ending=%~x1
set datsave=%~nx1

pushd !path!

set "name=!name!_!date:~6,4!!date:~3,2!!date:~0,2!!ending!"


echo renaming "!datsave!" to "!name!"
rem "!datsave!" "!name!"


  REM )

EDIT: After testing around a bit I figured, that subfolders are included as well! I put extra code to both codes marked with REM and two extra spaces. Take out those REM's and the programm will not longer include subfolders when renaming :)


侵害の場合は、連絡してください[email protected]






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Efficient way to rename files


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AWK, SED, REGEX to rename files


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Related 関連記事

  1. 1

    Using rename to rename files and directories

  2. 2

    Delete and rename files using unlink() and rename()

  3. 3

    Rename files, using text-file as source

  4. 4

    List files on SFTP server matching wildcard in Python using Paramiko

  5. 5

    Listing numbered files using wildcard sequence with predefined range

  6. 6

    Rename files in a folder using Python, using name map from Excel

  7. 7

    How to copy local files AND PATHS to network share using PowerShell?

  8. 8

    Using Total Commander search to find paths within files

  9. 9

    find and copy files using input list and partial file paths

  10. 10

    find and copy files using input list and partial file paths

  11. 11

    How does one rename multiple files using python?

  12. 12

    Copy and rename files recursively using part of folder name for new name

  13. 13

    How to rename files with count?

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    Rename multiple files randomly

  15. 15

    How to rename files with count?

  16. 16

    Efficient way to rename files

  17. 17

    How To Edit/Add/Delete/Rename Files/Folders In Ubuntu Server Using FileZilla?

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    AWK, SED, REGEX to rename files

  19. 19

    Looping two files (Rename and Move)

  20. 20

    How to rename the set of files with pattern

  21. 21

    Batch rename files to a sequential numbering

  22. 22

    How to rename files with different extensions

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    Filter collection using like and wildcard

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    SQL: Using <= and >= to compare string with wildcard

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    batch rename using windows powershell

  29. 29

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