How to reliably detect if an external keyboard is connected on iOS 9?

Sarah Elan

Previous to iOS 9, the most reliable method of determining whether an external keyboard is connected was to listen for UIKeyboardWillShowNotification and make a text field the first responder, as discussed in this question. The notification would fire when using the virtual keyboard, but would not fire when using an external keyboard.

However this behavior has now changed with iOS 9. UIKeyboardWillShowNotification also fires when an external keyboard is connected, since the new keyboard toolbar is now shown.

It is still possible to detect the keyboard height and make a judgement whether it is the smaller toolbar or the larger virtual keyboard that is being shown. However this method is not reliable since the keyboard height has changed between the various beta and can't be counted on to stay the same over time.

Is there a more reliable method that can be used with iOS 9?

Sarah Elan

After going back to the original question, I've found a solution that works.

It seems that when the regular virtual keyboard is displayed the keyboard frame is within the dimensions of the screen. However when a physical keyboard is connected and the keyboard toolbar is displayed, the keyboard frame is located offscreen. We can check if the keyboard frame is offscreen to determine if the keyboard toolbar is showing.


- (void) keyboardWillShow:(NSNotification *)notification {
    NSDictionary* userInfo = [notification userInfo];
    CGRect keyboardFrame = [[userInfo objectForKey:UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] CGRectValue];
    CGRect keyboard = [self.view convertRect:keyboardFrame fromView:self.view.window];
    CGFloat height = self.view.frame.size.height;

    if ((keyboard.origin.y + keyboard.size.height) > height) {
        self.hasKeyboard = YES;


@objc func keyboardWillShow(_ notification: NSNotification) {
    guard let userInfo = notification.userInfo else {return}
    let keyboardScreenEndFrame = (userInfo[UIResponder.keyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as! NSValue).cgRectValue
    let keyboard = self.view.convert(keyboardScreenEndFrame, from: self.view.window)
    let height = self.view.frame.size.height
    if (keyboard.origin.y + keyboard.size.height) > height {
        self.hasKeyboard = true


侵害の場合は、連絡してください[email protected]






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