Login Screen/Background Change? (kubuntu)

Lucky Strike

I have Kubuntu 13.04 (last version) and lightdm

I want to change my login screen background (not my wallpaper after I type my password. I'm talking for the image you see WHEN you type your password). It shows a greyish "image" right now. When I tried to use a picture from home and restarted the screen became white and it didn't show my image. I searched and found out that it because of some setings.

The problem is I'm very new to kubuntu and I don't want to mess things up with complicated setting from the terminal etc or to mess aroud with the root files because I won't be able to fix things.

Is there a simple solution as to how can I change this image? There is no option for me to download something there but only to load a picture.

Thank you very much in advance


At here

KDE System Settings > Login Screen (LightDM); Theme tab

Background image

enter image description here

and the log in screen has new background.

Why it is not working - White background - Check these

1) The image file has wrong extension

Tested with jpg picture with the png extension. The file properties is showing the right image format.

Right click the file > Properties: Information tab

enter image description here

The picture should have correct extension - If not the LightDM can't read the picture data.

2) The image file has wrong permissions

The user has forbidden the read of the image.

enter image description here

Right click the file > Properties: Permissions tab

The Owner/Group/Others should have the right to read the picture data.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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