Getting first element and returning after apply a function

Sandro Rey

I am new in Java 8, I want to make a method that gets the first element that matched and returning after apply a function

public void test() {
    List<String> features = Arrays.asList("Lambdas", "Default Method", "Stream API", "Date and Time API");

    String str = features
            .filter(s -> "Lambdas".equals(s))

private String toLowerCase (String str) {
    return str.toLowerCase();

but I got an Incompatible types error.


Optional.ifPresent accepts a Consumer, and doesn't return any value. Use map:

String str =
            .filter(s -> "Lambdas".equals(s))
            .orElse(null); // default value or orElseThrow

Or, as Holger suggested, you can move the map step into the stream pipeline:

String str =
            .filter(s -> "Lambdas".equals(s))
            .orElse(null); // default value or orElseThrow

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