Enable line numbers in gedit


I can't find how to enable the line numbers, current line highlight, and other goodness in 13.10.

enter image description here


If you've removed indicator-appmenu to remove global menus then either

  1. Reinstall indicator-appmenu or

  2. run this command (one long line):

    gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings overrides '@a{sv} {"Gtk/ShellShowsAppMenu": <int32 0>}'

    (If the above doesn't copy as a single line, this code box here will work).

If you've edited gedit.desktop to add an env to keep menus in their window then remove the env, typically env UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=.

As an aside: if one wanted the app menu present in a root nautilus browser then removing indicator-appmenu and running the above from a root prompt will achieve that.


sudo -i
gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings overrides '@a{sv} {"Gtk/ShellShowsAppMenu": <int32 0>}'

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