Function Calling Execution in nodejs

Hitu Bansal

I have this code.

for(var i = 0; i< bookmarks.length; i++){
        (function(i) {



function parseArticle(i,bookmark_id,bookmark_url,callback) {
            diffbot.article({uri: url}, function(err, response) {
                console.log("Diffbot is" );
            console.log("Parse Article" );

Now output is coming like this

Parse Article


Diffbot is

I want to execute function in this way so output will be like


Parse Article


Can anybody tell me what is exact problem here and how to resolve that



You need to learn what an asynchronous function and its completion callback are. When you understand that, you will understand why "Parse Article" is printed first and will have a better idea how you should structure your code. In a nutshell, an asynchronous functions starts an operation (which usually involves timers or networking or I/O of some kind) and the rest of your code continues to execute. Then, some time LATER, the asynchronous operation completes and the completion callback is called.

The key to using an asynchronous operation is that ALL activity that you want to happen after the asynchronous operation and all activity that you want to use the result of the asynchronous activity MUST be inside the callback that indicates the completion of the async activity.

In your particular case, you can achieve the desired output by putting things into the diffbot.article callback. This should generate this log:

Parse Article

function parseArticle(i,bookmark_id,bookmark_url,callback) {
      diffbot.article({uri: url}, function(err, response) {
            // put everything in here that should occur after the async
            // operation is done
            console.log("Diffbot is" );
            console.log("Parse Article" );

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