Java Swing button actionEvent

Chaves MainMan

sorry to bother everyone.

Overall problem: I'm trying to open a dialogue box let the user enter something then close it

Issue: - A function is not being called (i think) - The main problem is when i use debug it works fine so Its difficult for me to track down the problem

I'm having trouble with JButtons, it works in debug but not in normal run. this was probably because i was using an infinite loop. someone online suggested i used SwingUtilities but that didn't work (at least i don't think.

 * @author Deep_Net_Backup
public class butonTest extends JFrame  {
String name;
boolean hasValue;

//name things
private JLabel m_nameLabel;
private JTextField m_name;

private JPanel pane;

private JButton m_submit;

//action listener for the button submit
class submitListen implements ActionListener {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

public butonTest(){
    //normal values
    name = null;
    hasValue = false;
    //create the defauts
    m_nameLabel = new JLabel("Name:");
    m_name = new JTextField(25);
    pane = new JPanel();
    m_submit = new JButton("Submit");
    m_submit.addActionListener(new submitListen());

    setTitle("Create Cat");

    //add components


    //last things


private void submit()
    name = m_name.getText();
    hasValue = true;

public boolean hasValue()


//get the text name
public String getName()

public void close()

public static void main(String[] args)

    /* Test 1
    boolean run = true;
    String ret = new String();
    butonTest lol = new butonTest();

            run = false;
            ret = new String(lol.getName());


    //Tset 2
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){
        public void run() {
            butonTest lol = new butonTest();



Edit: How its not working: When i run Test the program will print test and submit then it should change the hasValue to true. this will (hopefully) allow the if statement to run to print done. This does not happen.

Edit 2: I have just added a few more lines for further testing 2 prints and this seems to have solved the issue (but this is bad) System.out.println("hasValue " + hasValue); -> to the hasValue() function System.out.println("set to true"); -> submit() function

Oliver Watkins

You are doing something far too complicated than is necessary. Instead of having the listener as a seperate class, you could have it as an anonymous class. That way you can get a handle on the outer class (butonTest.this), and call any method you want on it.

m_submit.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

I'm not sure what you are trying to do with the infinite loop. It would have run to completion before you show the dialog anyway.

It would help to read up a bit on how Event-Handling works in Swing :)

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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