Calling Java Methods in XSLT

Himanshu Yadav

Trying to generat a random number with the help of Java UUID class.

<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:xs=""
  exclude-result-prefixes="xs" xmlns:uuid="java:java.util.UUID">
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:variable name="uid" select="uuid:randomUUID()"/>
<ClientPK><xsl:value-of select="$uid"/></ClientPK>


Cannot find a matching 0-argument function named {java:java.util.UUID}randomUUID().
  Note that direct calls to Java methods are not available under Saxon-HE
Martin Honnen

See!extensibility, if you want to use Saxon 9 and have that feature (called reflexive extension functions) you need a license for PE or EE.

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