C++ What's the best way to implement a Priority Queue with varying priority functions?


The accepted answer I've seen for swapping out a priority queue comparator is to overload the operator in a new compare class.

class Foo


class Compare
    bool operator() (Foo, Foo)
        return true;

int main()
    std::priority_queue<Foo, std::vector<Foo>, Compare> pq;
    return 0;

However, I want to implement several (10+) different compare functions for queue and choose one at run time when pq is created in main(). Do I have to make 10 different compare classes or is there an easier way to do this?


Do I have to make 10 different compare classes or is there an easier way to do this?

You don't have to. The priority_queue requires that the comparator taking a Foo and return bool - with the default one is std::less

    class T,
    class Container = std::vector<T>,
    class Compare = std::less<typename Container::value_type>
> class priority_queue;

In your case, you may use a lambda, or a pointer to function for that purpose. For example,

using cmp1 = bool(*)(const Foo&, const Foo&);
bool FooCmp1(const Foo& f1, const Foo& f2)
     // do real comparison..
     return true;

priority_queue<Foo, std::vector<Foo>, cmp1> pq(FooCmp1);

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