What init 1 command exactly does?


Well to be honest I love finding Loopholes in everything, I was watching a TV Serial Mr Robot and at some point a character mentioned init 1 command, that her computer started crashing again and again and she lost her mind after using that command. I am studying OS and I'm a beginner, I tried googling it and I've also checked many forums to get to know what this command actually does is.

All I know is Linux have 0-6 run levels and init 1 is one of them, someone also mentioned that it freezes the computer, but I've not found the exact answer to my question that what this command actually does and how it works? And should I try it on my Computer?

George Udosen
ID  Name                                   Description
0   Halt                                   Shuts down the system.
1   Single-user mode                       Mode for administrative tasks.
2   Multi-user mode                        Does not configure network interfaces and does not export networks services.
3   Multi-user mode with networking        Starts the system normally.
4   Not used/user-definable                For special purposes.
5   Start the system normally with         Same as runlevel 3 + display manager.
    appropriate display manager (with GUI)                                         
6   Reboot                                 Reboots the system.

As you can see from the above each runlevel has what commands and programs run when started by user or any other process, as in the case of runlevel 1. Here only a single user can access the system and the commands here are barest at minimum, hence the comment that it freezes the system. Most commands you know in the 3-5 runlevel are not available here.

If you try entering this level from your current runlevel, you will see that a lot of things will not work and you most likely lose data in any open files or programs. Best tried on a virtual machine to see what it does.

Basically in Linux every runlevel is associated with certain programs or programs are associated with various runlevels. So entering that level with init 1 will kill all programs that are not designed or meant to be in that runlevel, hence the computer freeze mentioned by you.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runlevel

Collected from the Internet

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