How to compare two column of two file and print the number of match with awk


I have a data file A.tsv (field separator = \t) :

id  clade   mutation
243 40A titi,toto,lala
267 40B lala,jiji,jojo

and a template file B.tsv (field separator = \t) :

40A lala,toto,xixi,xaxa
40B xaxa,jojo,huhu
40C sasa,sisi,lala

Based on their common column (clade), I want to compare the mutation of A.tsv from the template B.tsv and indicate the number of match that it found in a new column in a new file (C.tsv) like this:

id  clade   mutation    number
243 40A titi,toto,lala  2
267 40B lala,jiji,jojo  1

I know how to compare two files like this:

awk -F"," -vOFS="," '    
    NR==FNR {
    { print $0,a[$2] }
' B.tsv A.tsv > C.tsv

but I don't know how to count the match. Do you have an idea?


I'm wondering how to make a new column with only the information on how many mutations are present in B.tsv.  Example for the column total_mut in C.tsv:

id  clade   mutation    number  total_mut
243 40A titi,toto,lala  2   4
267 40B lala,jiji,jojo  1   3

The method is to make an array indexed by clade and mutation, from the B file. Then iterate the mutations from the A file.

Somewhat tricky to deal with a tab-separated file, especially keeping the number of columns where there is no clade.

We define the necessary column numbers for the A file as cClade and cMut, and changed these to match the full data format.

For the follow-up question, we save nMut (number of mutations), which split() already returns, and add it to the prints (header and detail). Tested this version too.

#! /bin/bash

Match () {  #:: (data, template)

BEGIN { FS = "\t"; Sep = ","; cClade = 20; cMut = 41; }
F == "B" {
    nMut[$1] = split ($2, V, Sep);
    for (j in V) Mut[$1 Sep V[j]];
! $2 { printf ("%s%s%s\n", $0, FS, FS); next; }
FNR == 1 { printf ("%s%s%s%s%s\n", $0, FS, "number", FS, "total_mut"); next; }
    n = 0;
    split ($cMut, V, Sep);
    for (j in V) if (($cClade Sep V[j]) in Mut) ++n;
    printf ("%s%s%s%s%s\n", $0, FS, n, FS, nMut[$cClade]);
    awk -f <( printf '%s' "${Awk}" ) F="B" "${2}" F="A" "${1}"

    Match useTemplate.A.tsv useTemplate.B.tsv > useTemplate.C.tsv

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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