Solving polynomials with complex coefficients using sympy


I'm very new to python so forgive me if this has a simple fix. I'm trying to solve polynomials with complex coefficients using sympy. I find that I get a blank output if k is 'too complicated'... I'm not quite sure how to define what that means just yet. As a first example consider this fourth order polynomial with complex coefficients,

In [424]: solve(k**4+ 2*I,k)
[-2**(1/4)*sqrt(-sqrt(2)/4 + 1/2) - 2**(1/4)*I*sqrt(sqrt(2)/4 + 1/2),
 2**(1/4)*sqrt(-sqrt(2)/4 + 1/2) + 2**(1/4)*I*sqrt(sqrt(2)/4 + 1/2),
 -2**(1/4)*sqrt(sqrt(2)/4 + 1/2) + 2**(1/4)*I*sqrt(-sqrt(2)/4 + 1/2),
 2**(1/4)*sqrt(sqrt(2)/4 + 1/2) - 2**(1/4)*I*sqrt(-sqrt(2)/4 + 1/2)]

there are no problems obtaining an output. I'm interested, though, in solving something like,

In [427]: solve(k**6 + 3*I*k**5 - 2*k**4 + 9*k**3 - 4*k**2 + k - 1,k)
Out[427]: []

which is a lot more complicated and returns an empty list. I can, however, solve this using maple, for instance. Also, note that in removing the complex coefficients, there are no issues,

In [434]: solve(k**6 + 3*k**5 - 2*k**4 + 9*k**3 - 4*k**2 + k - 1,k)
[CRootOf(k**6 + 3*k**5 - 2*k**4 + 9*k**3 - 4*k**2 + k - 1, 0),
 CRootOf(k**6 + 3*k**5 - 2*k**4 + 9*k**3 - 4*k**2 + k - 1, 1),
 CRootOf(k**6 + 3*k**5 - 2*k**4 + 9*k**3 - 4*k**2 + k - 1, 2),
 CRootOf(k**6 + 3*k**5 - 2*k**4 + 9*k**3 - 4*k**2 + k - 1, 3),
 CRootOf(k**6 + 3*k**5 - 2*k**4 + 9*k**3 - 4*k**2 + k - 1, 4),
 CRootOf(k**6 + 3*k**5 - 2*k**4 + 9*k**3 - 4*k**2 + k - 1, 5)]

The elements of the resulting array can be evaluated numerically.

So, is this a problem to do with complex coefficients? How can I solve equations like the one on line [427]?

I have tried to solve with nsolve() and factor the roots out one by one, though I've had no luck with this method either.


As per the comment of Stelios, you can use sympy.polys.polytools.nroots:

>>> from sympy import solve, nroots, I
>>> from import k
>>> solve(k**6 + 3*I*k**5 - 2*k**4 + 9*k**3 - 4*k**2 + k - 1,k)
>>> nroots(k**6 + 3*I*k**5 - 2*k**4 + 9*k**3 - 4*k**2 + k - 1)
[-2.05972684672 - 0.930178254620881*I, -0.0901851681681614 + 0.433818575087712*I, -0.0734840785305346 - 0.434217215694685*I, 0.60726931721974 - 0.0485101438937812*I, 0.745127208196241 + 0.945593905069312*I, 0.870999568002712 - 2.96650686594768*I]

Collected from the Internet

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