How to wrap HTML text in each new line with <li> tag?

Adnan Jamil

I have this code:

<aside id="jmfe_widget-2" class="widget widget-job_listing widget_jmfe_widget">

    <h2 class="widget-title widget-title-job_listing %s">Amenities</h2>

    Air conditioning<br>
    Free parking<br>
    Access to bathrooms<br>
    Loading dock<br>


I want to wrap these points as list items, like this:

<aside id="jmfe_widget-2" class="widget widget-job_listing widget_jmfe_widget">

    <h2 class="widget-title widget-title-job_listing %s">Amenities</h2>

    <li>Air conditioning</li><br>
    <li>Free parking</li><br>
    <li>Access to bathrooms</li><br>
    <li>Loading dock</li><br>


Anyway that's possbile with jQuery?


First, you need to wrap each item within a div and give it a class, like so

<aside id="jmfe_widget-2" class="widget widget-job_listing widget_jmfe_widget">

    <h2 class="widget-title widget-title-job_listing %s">Amenities</h2>

    <div class="item">Air conditioning</div>
    <div class="item">Free parking</div>
    <div class="item">Access to bathrooms</div>
    <div class="item">Loading dock</div>


Then, do this in jQuery



If you can't add any HTML, then try this

$( "#jmfe_widget-2" )
    .filter(function() {
      return this.nodeType === 3;
  .wrap( "<li></li>" )
.filter( "br" )

This will look inside your aside element, get the contents, remove <br> tags and replace them with <li></li>


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