MySQL delete multiple rows in multiple tables


Is there a way to delete multiple records from three tables at once in one query?

  id, name

  id, category_id, name

  id, subcategory_id, name

I have id of the category that I need to delete. For example, 5

The SQL query must delete the category with that id. = 5

Also, it must delete all the subcategories from that category.

sub_categories.category_id =

And finally, delete all items from those subcategories that where removed in step 2.

items.subcategory_id =

One way you can delete from multiple tables if you introduce foreign key constraints with ON DELETE CASCADE.

This is the other way around:

FROM categories C 
INNER JOIN sub_categories SC ON = SC.category_id
INNER JOIN items I ON = I.subcategory_id
WHERE = 5;

Check this Delete with join(multiple tables)


If sub categories don't have any item under it then you need to replace the last INNER JOIN by LEFT JOIN

FROM categories C 
INNER JOIN sub_categories SC ON = SC.category_id
LEFT JOIN items I ON = I.subcategory_id
WHERE = 5;

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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