symfony 3.1 Check if a bundle is installed


I'm developing a bundle who has a dependency on another one.

In order to handle the case that the base bundle has not been installed I'll like to perform a "bundle_exists()" function inside a controller.

The question is: How can I have a list of installed bundles or How can I check for the name (eventually also the version) of a bundle.



Your class needs to have access to the container object (either by extending or DI).
Then you can do;


This will give you a list of bundles installed.

If you are in a controller that extends the Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller or in a command class that extends Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command\ContainerAwareCommand, you can just get the parameter.


Else @Wouter J's answer is your best answer.

Collected from the Internet

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