Multiple insert in MySQL table from PHP table


I am stuck on the following problem. I have two php files: One which displays a list of students with a combo box to mark each student as either 'Present' or 'Absent'and another that receives these postings and inserts the values in a MySql table. I am having a problem posting the values of the array attendance_status[] resulting in an error: "Array to string conversion". I know it might be something elementary that I am missing but cannot find my way out. These are my two files (I know that it is deprecated and will update accordingly):


error_reporting( E_ALL );
ini_set('display_errors', 1);

require "config.php";
$con = mysql_connect ( DBSERVER, DBUSER, DBPASS );
mysql_select_db ( DBNAME, $con );


<h1 align="center"><font color="black"><b>ATTENDANCE FOR GRADE1</font></b></h1>
<table id="attendance" border="1"  cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" >
<tr >


   $query = ("SELECT * FROM `b10_18591250_JC`.`STUDENT`");
   $result = mysql_query($query);

while( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result))


  echo "<form action=insertattend.php method=POST>";
  echo "<tr>";
  echo "<td>" . "<input name=stid type=number value=" .$row['ID']." </td>";
  echo "<td>" . "<input name=stname type=text value=" .$row['NAME']." </td>";
  echo "<td>" . "<input name=stsurname type=text value=" .$row['SURNAME']." </td>";

echo "<td>";
echo "<select name=attendance_status[] id=attendance_status>";
echo "<option value=1>Present</option>";
echo "<option value=0>Absent</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>"; 


  echo"<input type=submit value=Submit>";


Posting in this page called insertattend.php

error_reporting( E_ALL );
ini_set('display_errors', 1);

require "config.php";
$con = mysql_connect ( DBSERVER, DBUSER, DBPASS );
mysql_select_db ( DBNAME, $con );

$stid = $_POST["stid"];
$attendance_status = $_POST["attendance_status"];

(NULL, '$stid', '$attendance_status')") or die (mysql_error());

Gulmuhammad Akbari

You are posting an array of attendance_status and you should loop that.

 while( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result))


  echo "<form action=insertattend.php method=POST>";
  echo "<tr>";
  echo "<td>" . "<input name=stid[] type=number value=" .$row['ID']." </td>";
  echo "<td>" . "<input name=stname type=text value=" .$row['NAME']." </td>";
  echo "<td>" . "<input name=stsurname type=text value=" .$row['SURNAME']." </td>";

echo "<td>";
echo "<select name=attendance_status[] id=attendance_status>";
echo "<option value=1>Present</option>";
echo "<option value=0>Absent</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>"; 


error_reporting( E_ALL );
ini_set('display_errors', 1);

require "config.php";
$con = mysql_connect ( DBSERVER, DBUSER, DBPASS );
mysql_select_db ( DBNAME, $con );

$stid = $_POST["stid"];
$attendance_status = $_POST["attendance_status"];

   (NULL, $stid[$i], $attendance_status[$i])") or die (mysql_error());


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