Running SSMS for SQL Server 2012 with multiple instances with different collation


I already have SQL Server 2012 (collation: Latin1_General_CI_AS) working happily on my machine. But I need to connect to an old database with different collation (SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS).
So, I installed another instance of SQL Server 2012 with this collation. But I am not able to access this instance of SQL Server using SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS).

There is just one SSMS on my machine and whenever I try to connect to it, it connects to earlier instance of SQL Server 2012. How do I get SSMS connected to new instance of SQL Server?


If you are trying to connect from local and not sure of instance name..You can try selecting the browser for more option in servernames and click on local servers as shown below.This will enumerate all the instances present in machine..

enter image description here

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