Properly rendering stored HTML


A part of my site allows users to create comments in a text box to be stored in an SQL database. Because a lot of people copy/paste things in from word or other places, I have to keep <p> and <br> tags to keep formatting, and also <a> tags to let users create their own links. Everything else gets stripped out. I was accomplishing this like so:

$text = strip_tags( $text, '<br><a><p>' );

But today a user came to me and told me they lost a large portion of their text because they made a arrow <- for visual effect. So now I know strip tags removes everything after a <.

I can accomplish a similar effect with preg_replace like so:

preg_replace('/((?!<((\/)?p|br|a))<[^>]*>)/', "", $text);

But this still has the downside of only working if the tag spans one line (I think), leaving in html comments and probably a few other things that I'm not aware of. What are my options? Is there a catch all solution? A library I can use? I most work alone so I'm not really aware of industry standards.


Use html purifier. It help clean the summited html and removes the unwanted codes for example if a user adds a scripts tag that might cause harm to your website (XSS Attack) html purifier before submitting. It also adds or completes html for example a user inputs < strong > gamer ... with out closing the tag, it will close the tag and output cleaner html.

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