Getting text from array of elements protractor


this is my first post so please go easy one me. :)

I'am new to protractor therefore I would like to ask for your help. I've been asked to write a test for the folowing code:

<div class="content ps-container ps-active-y expand" ng-class={hide:items.length === 2}" ng-transclude="" csf-product-navigator-content="" csf-scrollbar="" style="">
 <div class="product-wrp prod-active" ng-class="{'prod-active' : active, 'odd' : (odd === true && !active), 'even' : (odd !== true && !active)}" ng-repeat="product in accounts" csf-product-navigator-item="">
  <div class="product-wrp odd" ng-class="{'prod-active' : active, 'odd' : (odd === true && !active), 'even' : (odd !== true && !active)}" ng-repeat="product in accounts" csf-product-navigator-item="">
   <div class="product-item animate-hide" ng-click="onDropdowmItemClick()" ng-transclude="" csf-product-navigator-anim-item="">
    <div class="ng-scope" ng-repeat="product in accounts" csf-product-navigator-item="">
     <div class="navigator-view ng-hide" ng-show="active">
      <div class="" ng-hide="active">
       <div class="product-choice ng-scope" ng-if="product.type !== 'SM'">
        <section class="product-name">
         <header class="ng-scope" ng-if="">
          <p class="product-details" ng-show="product.type">
           <span class="ng-binding" ng-bind="">PL84 9101 0003 2001 0006 1883 0004</span>
        <section class="product-amount">
  <div class="product-wrp even" ng-class="{'prod-active' : active, 'odd' : (odd === true && !active), 'even' : (odd !== true && !active)}" ng-repeat="product in accounts" csf-product-navigator-item="">
  <div class="product-wrp even" ng-class="{'prod-active' : active, 'odd' : (odd === true && !active), 'even' : (odd !== true && !active)}" ng-repeat="product in accounts" csf-product-navigator-item="">
  <div class="product-wrp odd" ng-class="{'prod-active' : active, 'odd' : (odd === true && !active), 'even' : (odd !== true && !active)}" ng-repeat="product in accounts" csf-product-navigator-item="">
  <div class="product-wrp even" ng-class="{'prod-active' : active, 'odd' : (odd === true && !active), 'even' : (odd !== true && !active)}" ng-repeat="product in accounts" csf-product-navigator-item="">

Goal is to get the number of the products on the dropdown list.

So I figured i should get all elements in the container and then use function to go through them.

This is my code:


var iOwe = function () {
  this.accNo = element(by.className('content ps-container ps-active-y expand')).all(by.className('product-item animate-hide'))


it('should display accounts numbers on dropdown list', function () {
  iOwe.accNo.each(function(elem) {
    (function (text){

The problem is that each time I run tests I get diffrent output in console. Getting only first 3/4 strings (should be 7) and rest is empty.

Thanks for help

EDIT: I checked what exactly happens during test by adding browser.sleep(5000); each time console prints string and suprisingly I found out that I have to actually see (in browser) the following account to allow test to read it.


I got an anwser to my question,it was not a matter of selectors/matchers.

As I found out according to this Article in order to .getText() u have to actually see the element in browser otherwise it will return empty string.

I decided to find another way to get the text and I used


to get the string.

Basically i changed :




And it returned string with accnumber.

But... This is not what I wanted. I wanted to check if the element is actually visible in browser and folowing solution wont work.

Then i found this Question,it shows how to scroll down to element in your browser You want to check.

So i edited my code:

it('should display accounts numbers on dropdown list', function () {
  iOwe.accNo.each(function(elem) {
    browser.executeScript('arguments[0].scrollIntoView()', elem.getWebElement()) //Scroll down to element
    (function (text){

And this is an anwser to my question.

Thanks for help!

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