Filtering all rows based on a specific value in Pandas dataframe


I have a dataframe that has "yes" when a condition is satisfied and "no" when it is not. Now, I would like to retrieve all the rows that has "No" in it.

I tried with this code:

 df2 = df[df['Logs'].astype(str).str.contains('No')] 
 df3 = df[df['Jobs'].astype(str).str.contains('No')] 
 df4 = df[df['Performance'].astype(str).str.contains('No')] 
 df5 = df2 | df3 | df4

I got the error "unsupported operand types".

For example:

 MachineName    Logs   Jobs   Performance
 121            Yes    No      Yes
 122            Yes    Yes     Yes
 123            Yes    No      No
 125            Yes    Yes     Yes
 126            No     No      No


 MachineName    Logs   Jobs   Performance
 121            Yes    No      Yes
 123            Yes    No      No
 126            No     No      No

Do an equality check on all columns you want to be 'No', and then use any to get a Boolean array.

condition = (df[['Logs', 'Jobs', 'Performance']] == 'No').any(axis=1)
df2 = df[condition]

The resulting output is as expected:

   MachineName Logs Jobs Performance
0          121  Yes   No         Yes
2          123  Yes   No          No
4          126   No   No          No

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