extract substring with regular expression

george andrew

I have a string, actually is a directory file name.


I need to extract the target substring 'UA0001A' with matlab (well I would like think all tools should have same syntax). It does not necessary to be exact 'UA0001A', it is arbitrary alphabet-number combination. To make it more general, I would like to think the substring (or the word) shall satisfy

  1. it is a alphabet-number combination word

  2. it cannot be pure alphabet word or pure number word

  3. it cannot include 'midd' or 'midd3' or 'Midd3' or 'MIDD3', etc, so may use case-intensive method to exclude word begin with 'midd'

  4. it cannot include 'y[0-9]{2,4}m[0-9]{1,2}d[0-9]{1,2}\w*'

How to write the regular expression to find the target substring?

Thanks in advance!

Wiktor Stribiżew

You can use

s = '\\\share\ccdfiles\UA-midd3-files\UA0001A_15_Jun_2014_08.17.49\Midd3\y12m05d25h03m16.midd3';
res = regexp(s, '(?i)\\(?![^\W_]*(midd|y\d+m\d+))(?=[^\W_]*\d)(?=[^\W_]*[a-zA-Z])([^\W_]+)','tokens');

See the regex demo

Pattern explanation:

  • (?i) - the case-insensitive modifier
  • \\ - a literal backslash
  • (?![^\W_]*(midd|y\d+m\d+)) - a negative lookahead that will fail a match if there are midd or y+digits+m+digits after 0+ letters or digits
  • (?=[^\W_]*\d) - a positive lookahead that requires at least 1 digit after 0+ digits or letters ([^\W_]*)
  • (?=[^\W_]*[a-zA-Z]) - there must be at least 1 letter after 0+ letters or digits
  • ([^\W_]+) - Group 1 (what will extract) matching 1+ letters or digits (or 1+ characters other than non-word chars and _).

The 'tokens' "mode" will let you extract the captured value rather than the whole match.

See the IDEONE demo

Collected from the Internet

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