The type must be a reference type to be used as a parameter

Ivan-Mark Debono

I get this compile error

The type 'TEntiy' must be a reference type in order to use it a parameter 'TEntity' in the generic type or method 'DbSet'.

When used in this method:

private IQueryable<TEntity> Search<Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate, params Expression<Func<TEntity, object>>[] include)
    var dbSet = dataContext.Set<TEntity>();

    var set = include.Aggregate<Expression<Func<TEntity, object>>, IQueryable<TEntity>>
                (dbSet, (current, expression) => current.Include(expression));

    return set.Where(predicate);

Is there a way to fix this problem?

Peter van der Heijden

The DbSet<TEntity> type requires its type argument to be a reference type. You can ensure this is the case by adding a generic type constraint:

private IQueryable<TEntity> Search<TEntity>(...) where TEntity : class

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