How to do a subquery in group_concat


I have the following data model:


- id
- name


- id
- name
- title_id


- id
- version_id
- store
- price

And here is an example of the data:


- id=1, name=titanic
- id=2, name=avatar


- id=1, name="titanic (dubbed in spanish)", title_id=1
- id=2, name="avatar directors cut", title_id=2
- id=3, name="avatar theatrical", title_id=2


- id=1, version_id=1, store=itunes, price=$4.99
- id=1, version_id=1, store=google, price=$4.99
- id=1, version_id=2, store=itunes, price=$5.99
- id=1, version_id=3, store=itunes, price=$5.99

I want to construct a query that will give me all titles that have a version_price on iTunes but not on Google. How would I do this? Here is what I have so far:

select,, group_concat(distinct store order by store)
    version inner join title on inner join version_price on 
group by 

This gives me a group_concat which shows me what I have:

id  name    group_concat(distinct store order by store) 
1   Titanic Google,iTunes                               
2   Avatar  iTunes                                       

But how would I construct a query to include whether the item is on Google (using a case statement or whatever's needed)

id  name    group_concat(distinct store order by store) on_google 
1   Titanic Google,iTunes                                true
2   Avatar  iTunes                                       false

It would basically be doing a group_concat LIKE '%google%' instead of a normal where clause.

Here's a link for a SQL fiddle of the current query I have:!9/e52b53/1/0

Vamsi Prabhala

Use conditional aggregation to determine if the title is in a specified store.

select,, group_concat(distinct order by store),
if(count(case when store = 'google' then 1 end) >= 1,'true','false') as on_google
from version 
inner join title on 
inner join version_price on
group by,

count(case when store = 'google' then 1 end) >= 1 counts all the rows for a given title after assigning 1 to the rows which have google in them. (Or else they would be assigned null and the count ignores nulls.) Thereafter, the if checks for the countand classifies a title if it has atleast one google store on it.

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