I have two lists containing the same objects. How do I change one list without changing the other?


I first noticed this problem when I only put the objects in listOfRates and then created inverseListOfRates by copying it. But even using this method, I can't alter one list without altering the other.

How do I solve this issue?

List<HistoricRate> listOfRates = new ArrayList<HistoricRate>();
List<HistoricRate> inverseListOfRates = new ArrayList<HistoricRate>();

for (HistoricRate rate : rates){

inverseListOfRates.forEach(r -> r.setMid(1 / r.getMid()));
Radouane ROUFID

The two lists are referencing the same object. So if you change the first, the second will change also.

The solution is to clone the object (Creating a copy of it into a new instance) before adding it into the second list.

To clone the object you can either use one of the following suggestions:

1- A constructor by copy :

class HistoricRate {
  private String field;

  public HistoricRate (HistoricRate another) {
    this.field= another.field; // you can access  

2- HistoricRate must implement Cloneable interface

Implement the method clone to copy the object.

3- Use org.apache.commons.lang.SerializationUtils as below :

for (HistoricRate rate : rates){

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