Data binding issue with Angular JS and Bootstrap Modal

Adam Bielecki

I am unable to change scope values using angular js when using bootstrap modal. Basically I am calling function to open modal that I store in controller.js file and then I am trying to amend scope values and display them in modal dialog box.

I added click event to one of my js components.

eventClick: function(event, element) {
    var $scope = angular.element("#eRotaController").scope();
    $scope.OpenModal("addEventModal", false, event);

Part of html element (modal dialog):

<div class="modal-header">
    <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">&times;</button>
    <h4 class="modal-title">{{misc.modalTitles}}</h4>

Finally OpenModal function and variables

// Variables
$scope.misc = {
    modalTitle: "",
    showRemoveEvent : false

$scope.OpenModal = function (modal, isNew, event)
    if (isNew) {
        $scope.misc.modalTitle = "Add new Event";
        $scope.misc.modalTitle = "Update event for: " + event.title;
        $scope.misc.showRemoveEvent = true;

    $("#" + modal).modal('show');

When I update modalTitle for instance inside OpenModal function it does not reflect any changes when opening modal.

I created simpler example to find out if it's modal issue and turns out it's not.

Quick test that I have added :

<button ng-click="OpenModal2()"></button>

$scope.OpenModal2 = function()
    $scope.misc.modalTitle = "Update event for: " + event.title;
    $scope.misc.showRemoveEvent = true;

That works fine.

So it works correctly when method is called directly from html element but fail when called from js using reference to controller :

 var $scope = angular.element("#eRotaController").scope();

 $scope.OpenModal("addEventModal", false, event);

Does not work

Debasish Mohapatra

Try doing:

eventClick: function(event, element) {
    var $scope = angular.element("#eRotaController").scope();
    $scope.$apply(function (){
         $scope.OpenModal("addEventModal", false, event);

If eventClick is a function outside of angular context then the above code may work.

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