Why scanf can't parse the input separate by / mark?


This is my program when I learn scanf function:

#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int day, year;
    char monthName[20];

    printf("separate day by /\n");
    scanf("%d/%s/%d", &day, monthName, &year);
    printf("%d %s %d\n", day, monthName, year);

    printf("separate day by blank\n");
    scanf("%d%s%d", &day, monthName, &year);
    printf("%d %s %d\n", day, monthName, year);
    return 0;

The input and output are below:

separate day by /
3 Dec/2016 0
separate day by blank
3 Dec 2016
3 Dec 2016

Why does the second / mark appears and so does the zero char? Is there any way or tools to analysis such problem?


It's because your %s is getting everything after the first / character. So when your %d starts to read, there is nothing left.

You can clearly understand that output by doing this:

printf("separate day by /\n");
scanf("%d/%s/%d", &day, monthName, &year);
printf("%d---%s---%d\n", day, monthName, year);

Which yields:

separate day by /

The reason scanf is not respecting the second / as you expected is because %s doesn't stop at the /, it stops only on whitespace characters. Check this from the docs:

Any number of non-whitespace characters, stopping at the first whitespace character found. A terminating null character is automatically added at the end of the stored sequence.

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